Romans 7:25–8:4, Ray Stedman

The following points are highlights from pastor Stedman’s mp3 sermon on Romans 7:25 – 8:4:

  • Paul’s intense struggle was because he was walking in the flesh
  • How does Paul resolve, end, the struggle?
  • “Thanks be to God” (Chapter 8 should begin here)
  • The Flesh: the sin that finds its seat in our bodies via Adam, which gives Satan access to our souls to implant thoughts in our minds, “fiery darts,” and also lusts, selfishness…
  • The struggle: the spirit [that God implanted in us] vs the flesh [inherited from Adam]
  • That spirit agrees with God, the fleshly part of us opposes it
  • For example: consider the alcoholic, his addiction; he may see all the harm alcohol is bringing into his life and want to quit it, resolving…and yet still give way upon temptation. Consider all addictions to be like that: temper, gluttony, pornography…
  • Our problem is that our will is weak; our will power cannot win against the flesh
  • God doesn’t take away this struggle; it will only cease when we “recon” who we are in Christ
  • We need a new self-image; it will enable us to say “no” to fleshly urges
  • This struggle is without condemnation because we are “in Christ”
  • If you’re born again, He will never leave you: Prodigal son illustration
  • God is not angry with me; when I fail, God doesn’t condemn me: He knows that I’m a child in His family, learning to walk (illustration – consider how a father treats his toddler who is learning to walk)
  • When we deliberately choose to sin, we will be chastened; but when we fail, unintentionally sinning, He does not punish
  • Why are we not condemned? Three reasons, explained
  • The provision for life: my faith in what God said He has done for me in Christ
  • Wrong view of self when failures occur – explained
  • Right view of self, reiterated
  • The importance of believing what God says about who I am


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