Psalm 130: Godly Instruction For Dealing With Sin and Guilt

In the following 32 minute sermon, Dr. Patrick Ramsey clearly articulated many of the futile typical responses people have to sin and guilt; explaining why they are ineffective.  Furthermore, he also clearly stated appropriate responses.

So, the sermon is beneficial in two ways: 1) as an aid in self-examination; that is, if you see yourself doing such futile things, you might seek the Lord’s help in responding effectively; using the 2) appropriate responses he provided. Furthermore, you may be aided in seeing other similar ineffective responses he did not mention.

Whether you know or do not know that you have a problem dealing with sin and guilt, this sermon can aid you in discovering such things; and in conducting yourself biblically after sinning. 




Study Recommendations:

For other posts on dealing with sin in this blog, see: Categories: John Owen; Thomas Brooks; Calvin’s Institutes.