Prosperity Preachers: Dr. John Piper expresses his hatred of this poison preaching

The following 3 minute video is very powerful. Dr. Piper thoroughly presents the prosperity scam and its tragic impact on souls.

Hopefully, it will make you hate the prosperity preachers too, such that you might educate yourself and speak against them. They have perverted the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; if you’re a Christian, that has to mean something to you.




For more information of prosperity preachers, see: categories, prosperity preachers.

In closing, I have to say that when I was recently listening to Dr. MacArthur’s book, Truth War, I felt hatred towards Brian McLaren and his emergent followers for how they are perverting biblical Christianity. I am certain that he is not born-again. No one who is could teach such heresies. And I believe that God raises up such teachers to give those who do not want to believe the truth what they need to tickle their ears, but I can’t help thinking that there are some real sheep following his lies; and that troubles me. (Pleas see, categories, the Modern Gospel series, part 6 for a critique on him and Warren; also, see, categories, Mysticism for a critique on him Warren, and Bell.)