President Trump Phoned Dr. John MacArthur to Support His Stance Against LA County

In the following brief video excerpt, Dr. MacArthur defines the democratic platform as a “Romans One Platform,” and explains why that is so.

Afterwards, he defines what ought to be a Christian view of voting.

If you’re a Christian, then this short video will enable you to vote correctly, pro Christ.



In his interview, MacArthur questioned how a president running on a Romans One platform could protect law-abiding citizens; isn’t that what we are seeing in Democratic run cities, they are punishing law-abiding citizens, business owners…and rewarding criminals?

For other similar posts in this blog, see, Categories, Paganism / Neo Paganism; also – Social Justice / Identity Politics; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism.

That series on Paganism begins with a post about Aleister Crowley and his war against Christianity, wherein he called for several revolutions: sexual, drug and religious. That was in 1905; throughout the 20th century, to date, his revolution has been unfolding.

The series examines the various aspects of that revolution as it has been unfolding in America.