NYC Releases Entire Migrant Gang… From Prison

The following 4-minute video is an introduction to the two videos below it. In this video, newly elected senator, Katie Britt, had been shown the southern border crisis by more experienced Republican senators.

Half way through this 4-minute video, she began to discuss how the drug cartels are managing the illegals they arrange to transport to the USA. The illegals pay to be transported and they continue to pay once they get the specific jobs they have been promised. (Such a system would seem to involve American business men and other Americans.)

In the earlier part of the video, Britt talks about women being systematically raped at the border and other crises of humanity.

The second video provides a glimpse into the chaos that illegal immigrant business / trade is currently causing in NYC. Don’t forget, that such business is being conducted across America by cartels. Furthermore, don’t forget that these cartel members can waltz across the border anytime they please because of this democratic administration’s need to increase their voter rolls at the expense of American citizens’ safety and welfare.

The third video shows just the opposite response to lawlessness, gang violence, and criminal rings. It shows a maximum security prison in El Salvador. A measure they took to get gang violence and lawlessness in check.

This video is more in line with biblical justice discussed by the apostle Paul in Romans 13, as God “issues the sword” to the civil government to protect law-abiding citizens. Citizens are not supposed to take the law into their own hands or to be victims of the strong violent members of society.

Lawmakers are charged by God with that responsibility. They, particularly democrats, have miserably failed to protect citizens in the communities they manage.

But as Pastor John MacArthur made clear during the Covid crisis, when the government has turned from God and tries to force citizens to follow it’s dictates, Christians are allowed to resist, as he demonstrated by remaining open for worship services.

Please think about the above as you watch the videos.

As you vote for a president, remember how the Biden-Harris administration has managed this country for the past 4 years.

Do not believe the lies they speak about caring for you or this country.

The following video of this post is from the YouTube site, Cash Jordan

It is being posted as an example of failed democrat policies and the toll of those policies on America: on family friendly neighborhoods; on law-abiding citizens….

During the past 4 years, this administration has allowed 10 million plus immigrants to walk across the border. The responsibility of the southern border was given to Kamala Harris….

Note, that in this video, the problem that gangs are creating for New York is a due the restorative justice policies (bail reform and redefinition of grand larceny) of the Democratic Party.

The following video, is from the YouTube site, Lawless.

It shows a governmental response that is completely different from that of the USA: the opposite extreme.

Title of video at YouTube:   What Happens To MS 13 Members In El Salvador’s Prisons



Narrative and links from video 2:

Sep 24, 2024

Although the vast majority of asylum seekers have come to NYC to pursue the American dream, recent high profile crimes have been committed by criminals possibly linked to gangs that have infiltrated our shelter system. Complicating matters is NYC’s status as a sanctuary city, with what critics say are soft on crime laws that allow dangerous criminals to be released and not held in jail, regardless of where they’re from…

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Narrative and links from video 3:

Video posted at YouTube: Aug 2, 2024

What Happens To MS 13 Members In El Salvador’s Prisons. In this video, we go over What Happens To MS 13 Members In El Salvador’s Prisons. For more content like this be sure to subscribe to the channel, Thanks for watching this video: “What Happens To MS 13 Members In El Salvador’s Prisons”

Video-page link to Lawless


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