The following video is an excerpt of a video I found at ReformedWiki on YouTube. I cut the latter 10 minutes off the video.
Points covered in the following video:
- Voddie Baucham on – hell will be full of people who were baptized; who didn’t drink, smoke, curse, fornicate…because none of those things makes one a Christian
- Billy Graham calling people to recite the sinner’s prayer
- The deception of the sinner’s prayer explained
- What is evidence that indicates one is truly born again?
- Paul Washer on the sinner’s prayer and baptism
- Steven Furtick using the sinners prayer
- Furtick on saying that the chief purpose of Elevation church is to get people converted [the Bible says that it is to feed the believers and to carry forth the gospel message]
- Baucham calling out pastors who use the sinner’s prayer
- Washer on the harm done by evangelical pastors via the sinners prayer
- Ways the sinner’s prayer continues to be used
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After listening again to the entire video, I decided to post the second half of this video because therein pastor Warren is critiqued for presenting a false gospel message and more:
Points covered in the following video:
- Story of a preacher who thundered on tithing because he had a new building and then gave an altar call, but never mentioned the name of Christ or preached the gospel in his message, a typical message
- The apostle Paul called believers to check themselves to ensure they were in the faith
- Rick Warren preaching his gospel message
- Baucham critiquing gospel messages typified by Warren’s
- Preachers who say that becoming a Christian is as easy as A, B, C: acknowledging, believing and confessing
- The real biblical gospel message given
- The errors of Warren’s gospel explained
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For other similar posts in this blog, see CATEGORIES: Brian McLaren; Beth Moore; Man-centered gospel; Prosperity Preachers; and Unbiblical preachers