Mat 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Biblical purity of heart is defined via the sermon excerpts of three pastors. Their excerpts differ sufficiently to warrant listening to all three if you would have a rich understanding of this beatitude. Furthermore, the complete sermon of each pastor is attached to the end of this post if you should desire to hear the full sermon of a particular pastor.

The following 9 minute excerpt is by pastor Timothy Bixby:

Audio Player

The following 17 minute excerpt is by Dr. Nelson Kloosterman:

Audio Player

The following 21 minute sermon excerpt is by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson:

Audio Player

The following 77 minute sermon is by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and is about 3 beatitudes: purity; peacemaking and persecution:

Audio Player

The following 46 minute sermon about beatitude purity is by Dr. Nelson Kloosterman:

Audio Player

The following 46 minute sermon, by pastor Timothy Bixby is on 3 beatitudes; purity, peacemaking and persecution:

Audio Player


See, Categories, Beatitude Life posts for narratives on all of the beatitudes.