Many US Citizens Are Unknowingly In Servitude, Brainwashed By Distractions Such As Technology, Drugs, Sexual Promiscuity, and Entertainment!

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (BNW) written in 1931 described the scenario that is currently playing out on the stage of the western world: people are deeply imbibing in pleasurable distractions of every kind, particularly those mentioned above, while society disintegrates.

That scenario is described in the following 9 minute video.

The question Huxley asked when he revisited the BNW in 1958 was, how governments would get their citizenry to comply in the process of servitude via pleasure?

The answer; by simply making those pleasurable diversions available to their citizens.

If you watch the video, then you will likely be amazed at the parallels between Huxley’s book and contemporary America.

The videos that follow the Huxley video, show a connection between BNW, the progressive leftist Marxist democratic party and satanist, Aleister Crowley’s social goals.



The following video is about mainstream media pushing to make pedophelia legal and acceptable; and introducing sexual education into the elementary classroom via CSE programs; in an attempt to thoroughly sexualize society; (see link below the next video).

The person who is in charge of Netflix’s diversity program, also wrote BLM’s Manifesto; therefore, Netflix is participating in the carrying out of BLM’s agenda to destroy the nuclear family unit…. 

The aforementioned connects BLM with Huxley’s dystopian novel and with Aleister Crowley’s agenda noted after the following video:




This link is for information on the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda:

There is an 11 minute video at that site about how CSE is harming children.

The following brief video about Satanist Aleister Crowley is very relevant to what is playing out in our streets, also via the media in the US today. If you only listen to the first two minutes, you will have heard Crowley’s social goals which have already been fulfilled, with the exception of a one-world movement:



The last video is a Pink Floyd song, comfortably numb. I thought of this as I was listening to the first video about Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World; Comfortably Numb is about escapism via the diversion of drugs, and music – their song enabled many to seek those twin diversions pleasurably. And, of course, no diversion is excluded by the Pink Floyd song; but those participating are certainly willingly numb to their surroundings.




Many seem comfortably detached, numbed, anesthetized…, unconcerned about the social unrest occurring presently in the US, unless, of course, it comes to their own neighborhood. That was also the case with a couple of mayors who would not act to protect their own citizens until it did come to their own homes.

The democratic progressive Marxist left is practicing social intimidation to get their candidate elected; and at the same time, it seems that much of society does not recognize that the left would usher in socialism which would take their own freedom and pile on them a heavy tax burden, in addition to the other atrocities that every socialist regime has been guilty of for 120 years.

The democratic left promotes the following agenda; Crowley’s agenda is noted below for comparison:

  • They are for the destruction of the nuclear family unit via Marxist indoctrination and sexualization
  • They promote transgenderism, gay marriage…which is also against the family unit that has existed since Adam and Eve, 6000 years
  • They support abortion through the ninth month, call it what you will
  • They have promoted division in the US via their critical race theory, and if you look at the history of the democratic party, you will find that they have always been the party which promoted racism as part of their political platform and that is true, to date, except it is now done via stealth (see Archives, 24 June 2020)

The following points are a brief overview of Aleister Crowley’s goals aimed at changing culture and religion:

  • To usher in the New Age of the AntiChrist, via:
  • The drug revolution
  • The sexual revolution
  • The synthesis of western occultism with eastern mysticism
  • The rebellion against all authority, especially Christianity
  • The establishment of a new world order

I do not understand how any man and woman who have a family could vote for a candidate espousing such an ungodly, satanic platform; a platform that also believes that it is acceptable to terrorize people to make them vote for your candidate.

For related posts in this blog, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed; Paganism / Neo Paganism.