Liberal Ideology; foundational elements: Paganism, Part 29

The following 13 minute video identifies some of the basic elements of Leftist ideology, including:

  • Mankind is intrinsically good [they hold this in common with eastern religions such as Hinduism; and psychology]
  • Tradition and customs cause erroneous thinking which needs to be corrected by education
  • Ignorance has been caused by the faulty institutions of the past (church; republican governments; family traditions…); these can be rectified via universal education
  • The establishment of peace, utopia for all
  • Peace can only be established via liberal ideology
  • Change is equivalent to progress
  • A desire to do something about every social issue; it is appropriate to be enraged about these issues

[This video, and others by vlogger, Bode Lang, are easier to listen to at 3/4 speed, use the icon next to HD on the lower right of the video to adjust the speed.]



The above video makes it very clear why liberals hate Christians and view them as stupid bigots who are guilty of hate mongering.

It is ironic, however, that the liberals themselves are frequently conducting themselves violently; and are guilty of the most hateful actions towards those who do not agree with them.


My entire series on Paganism, (see, categories, Paganism) is about a giant cultural phenomenon in our day, which goes by One World Order, and other titles. It includes progressive religion and politics; but those are the fruits of other ideas that make up the first several posts of the series (Crowley, Feminism, Carl Jung are the foundational posts). If you are familiar with that series, then current cultural events make more sense.