Jonathan Steingard, of Hawk Nelson, No Longer Believes In God

The following video explored Steingard’s rationale for leaving Christianity. The unanswered questions Steingard had, that moved him to apostasize, were examined.

Vlogger, Polite Leader, used scripture to assess Steingard’s conduct.

After the video, I noted a few points that undoubtedly contributed to Steingard’s questions and reaction.




Polite Leader mentioned other “pop Christians” who also apostatized from the faith, I used his videos about their apostasies to make a similar point a few months back (see Archives 4 November 2019: False Conversions…).

Those Christians who do the following, have built their Christian lives on sand (see Matthew 7):

  • Many contemporary Christians do not read the Bible, but make up their own Christianity. That was a growing trend during the 20th century, especially during the latter part, and to date (that is to say, they depend upon others statements and their own reason to build a mental concept of who Jesus is, that can never be biblical, and therefore will always be idolatrous)
  • Christians who make up their own Christ and God and faith are not born again; the Holy Spirit is busy guiding true Christians, chastening them for idolatry, crushing their idols…not providing them with abundant joy to seek the American dream, like many new false converts believe
  • When a “Christian” does not receive God’s appointed means of grace, he is attempting to walk with God in his own strength: means of grace are praying, reading the word; hearing preaching of the biblical gospel; taking the Lord’s supper and fellowship around the word of God as in Bible study and prayer groups. God does not give grace through any other means. These means always humble a believer by revealing his true depravity to him; simultaneously, God’s holiness
  • Jesus’ words in Matthew 5, indicate that true kingdom citizens are blessed because they are poor in spirit, mourn their sin, are meek, hunger and thirst after righteousness, receive God’s mercy and let it flow through them to others. Contemporary Christianity knows little, if anything of such humiliation; those Christians are usually self-confident…they are still in Adam
  • Steingard, very likely, did not search scripture to find answers that moved him to aposticize, he dealt with it on his own by turning away. Perhaps he is only after a new following? His actions indicated to everyone that he never was a Christian


There are likely many more things that could be said, the above was said because these points seem to be very common among those nominal Christians that believe they’re born again because they signed a card….

Polite Leader closed with a reference to John chapter 3, which indicates that God the Holy Spirit gives spiritual life, regeneration, whenever He chooses. Men do not all of a sudden decide to come to Christ, UNLESS they have already received spiritual life from Him.