Albert N. Martin’s series on Psalm 1 provides instruction that might enable one to discern the way of blessedness from the way of destruction.
Perhaps you believe that you can already do that? Whether you are a new Christian or you’ve been one for 30 years, the probability is quite high that you cannot distinguish the difference; remember, it was Jesus who stated that few will find the narrow gate and walk in the narrow way.
By few, He was likely referring to the “remnant” that is spoken of often in scripture; that is likely less than 10% of those seeking to enter the narrow way. And definitely 100% of those who are not searching.
Moreover, if you have surveyed this blog, especially the posts on the prosperity, market driven, seeker friendly, and emergent preachers, then you know that millions who profess Christ are walking on the broad way of destruction according to the Bible, which directs one in the only Way of salvation.
In his series on Psalm 1, pastor Martin uses his sermons to paint a caricature of those on each path, the types of counsel that each pilgrim listens to that establishes him on his given path; some things he might do to turn from the counsel of ungodliness….
I loaded sermons 1–7 of 14 below. These will provide you with much information that will enable you to better examine your walk, especially sermons 1–4.
Furthermore, sermons 1–4 also help one understand the series on Paganism that deals with the One-World movement and how it is manifesting in our time: the unbiblical sexual practices that spearhead this movement are moving towards androgyny, and are almost there. That movement made much progress in the 1960s and 1970s and has continued to move forward via: the sexual revolution; women’s movement; and the gay rights movement; the transgender movement; androgyny must be the next focus?
If you want to listen to 8–14, then go to and search by speaker, an option on the left side of the page. After arriving at his page, you will need to search by scripture.
Following is sermon 1 of 14:
Audio PlayerFollowing is sermon 2 of 14:
Audio PlayerFollowing, sermon 3 of 14:
Audio PlayerBelow is sermon 4 of 14:
Audio PlayerBelow is sermon 5 of 14:
Audio PlayerFollowing is sermon 6 of 14:
Audio PlayerFollowing is sermon 7 of 14:
Audio PlayerAfter listening to this point pastor Martin’s series, I decided to include sermon 8 also, because it is about meditation and some may desire to listen to it here:
Audio PlayerIn conclusion, if you are a born-again believer, then the Holy Spirit will be busy in your life (if you are abiding in God’s appointed means of grace–see categories, Christian Walk, post by that title) revealing your idols, worldly thinking that causes sin…. The above series will enable you to identify such things more easily.
To see posts on sexual temptation or on the series about paganism, see: Categories: Lust; Paganism/Neopaganism; Spiritual Warfare