Fresh Revelation vs Scripture: John Calvin’s Institutes: Book 1; Chapter 9

The following 11 minute video is about those, socalled, Christians who despise scripture and seek God via other means which Calvin enumerates.

This post is to address all those who seek direct revelation from God: the mystical evangelicals; prosperity gospel followers; emergent churchgoers; liberals (social gospel); and all branches of Christianity that follow their man-made path to God instead of following the path laid down by God in His word, the only saving path.

More than 500 years ago, Calvin spoke to the foolishness of the aforementioned false gospels.

The title of chapter 9 is as follows: All the Principles of Piety Subverted by Fanatics, Who Substitute Revelations for Scripture:



The entirety of Calvin’s Institutes can be listen to at Librivox; I downloaded these Calvin videos from a YouTube site called Sermon Library. They have a lot of videos on the Puritans and other sound biblical preachers.