Christians Are Called To Stand For Righteousness

In the following 4 minute video excerpt of a Dr. John MacArthur interview, he was asked questions about our current culture. In the process of answering, he described a “biblical stance” in terms of voting criteria. He indicated that democrats used to represent labor, and republicans, owners; but presently, these parties are no longer defined in terms of economics, but in terms of morality.

He further defined what the morality of each party looked like; afterwards, he stated that he cannot understand how a real Christian [biblical Christian?] could vote democratic, and he explained why he was confused by the oxymoron, “democratic Christian.”



As a student of the Bible, I believe the same. Not that the republican party somehow models a Christian life; they clearly do not. But among republicans, you will find people of faith, who openly talk about faith; furthermore, they support biblical ethics such as responsible conduct; hard work, freedom of speech, ownership of property…while the democrats want to create a welfare class that will have to vote for them to receive their handouts (keeping them in power).

Moreover, democrats do not uphold the rule of law; nor do they carry out their authority in a biblical manner, protecting their citizenry — the world watched how they let BLM ruthlessly destroy cities, people’s livelihoods….

Before the election, I put several sermons of MacArthur’s in this blog, about the riots. The purpose of that was to promote biblical literacy regarding social trends, because so many professed believers are supporting unbiblical trends, events…to keep from being __________ [harmed, socially rejected, ostracized, doxxed and so on – Christians in Nero’s empire did not do that].

I think that is why MacArthur used the term “real” Christians.

In light of this video, Christians ought to be praying diligently that the fraudulent activity that took place in the 2020 election be revealed by God; or the floodgates to godless socialism will be thrown open wide and our children and grandchildren…will be subject to the same types of atrocities currently seen in China and other Marxist regimes; atrocities that also unfolded during the entire 20th century. People kept believing, in every instance, that the Marxist regime in their time would bring that promised utopia; it did, for the elites who became filthy rich while they let the masses starve and die of famine….

For a full sermon on Faith vs Politics, click the following link:

For similar posts in this blog, see Categories: Social Justice / Identity Politics; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Paganism / Neo Paganism; Propaganda Exposed.