The Bondage of Religious Deception – Mike Gendron

This month, the Gendron’s Newsletter focus is on the various aspects of bondage from spiritual deception. Anyone who has studied the Bible, especially the New Testament epistles of Romans and Galatians, knows that the Roman Catholic gospel is NOT biblical. It therefore does not save. Those who believe that it does, or follow the RCC blindly, are in the bondage of deception; read this post to get some specifics on how that is so. ALSO, Mike’s Letters To Equip the Saints, has 4 very important letters and responses. Additionally, THIS POST CONTAINS a link to the testimony of another former Roman Catholic who discusses his conversion and what the false doctrine of the RCC has in common with 4 other false reilgions.

Combat Between the Flesh and the Spirit – Puritan Christopher Love

This post contains 3 videos: a video short, a 17-minute excerpt of the full sermon from which the short came; and the full-length sermon. The Puritan Christopher Love addressed the matter of the Holy Spirit’s work in sanctifying the believer. He focused on two aspects: what the Spirit does to dissuade a believer from sinning; and what the Spirit does to sanctify the believer after he has sinned. Every Christian needs to understand this matter as well as possible such that he/she is receptive to the Spirit’s workings. Highlights are provided for the 17-minute excerpt; a link to some posts in this blog about Jonathan Edwards addressing these matters, but Edwards was not as thorough as Love.

Why Are Protestants Becoming Catholics? – Mike Gendron’s Newsletter

The May edition of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: Unity Accords Between Catholics and Evangelicals; Warnings Are Being Withheld or Avoided; Disobedience to God and His Word; Compromise for the Sake of Peace and Unity; Ignorance of Catholicism’s False and Fatal Gospel; Scripture Proves Eucharist Is a False Christ; Plenary Indulgence for Worship of Eucharist; letters to the editor

How can I be victorious over my fear of sharing my faith? With Ray Comfort – Podcast Episode 203

This post contains the video of the Got Questions Podcast of today; it is an interview with Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministries. He answered questions about how he shares the gospel. His major strategy, which I’d never discerned from watching his videos, is that he directs his questions at the conscience of the person with whom he is interacting; and avoids questions that engage the carnal mind:  he explained that clearly in the video. If you have fear about witnessing or you just lack strategies, then you could benefit from hearing this podcast. Highlight points are below the video

Faith Is Like a Muscle and Needs to Be Exercised – Pastor Colin Smith

I am preparing a post on backsliding that mentions ‘exercising faith’ and thought I would post this article beforehand. Pastor Colin Smith explains that it is not enough to just possess faith, as those who are born again possess. One must learn to exercise it. He explains what that means. Extremely valuable information to all Christians that may not have looked into the matter; as exercising it is necessary in the Christian fight of faith.

Baptismal Regeneration Is a Deceptive Hoax – Mike Gendron – Proclaiming the Gospel to Roman Catholics

This issue of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: The Falsification of Spiritual Blessings; Scripture Exposes Rome’s Deceptive Teaching; The Timing and Purpose of Water Baptism; Water Baptism Cannot Cause Spiritual Rebirth; Only God and His Word Can Cause Spiritual Life; Do Not Be Deceived About “The Chosen;” Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints. [Gendron cites Roman Catholic practices and contrasts them with biblical truth and doctrine.]

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