A Picture Of Repentance

The sermon excerpt in this post paints a picture of repentance that includes examining specific sins; defining and illustrating repentance; discussing forgiveness and the consequences of sin. As I was listening to the sermon, I realized that he described repentance more fully than I have heard it described in most instances.  If you are not sure you are repenting correctly; this message will benefit you. This post covers very foundational aspects of the Christian faith, things that everyone must comprehend and apply. If you know someone who thinks they are too sinful to be a Christian, then this message will be of great use to you, as you share with them the hope of forgiveness.

David: Sin and Repentance (4 0f 4) – Kenneth Stewart Sermon

David wanted his heart renewed because he did not like how his sin had changed him; that is, sin was an expression of his character, BUT it also made his heart worse – it derives from what a person is, yet it also makes one worse. We are not in a static state; we are deteriorating as a person if we are not going forward and improving; that is, in your sanctification, unless you are working to go forward, then you are backsliding; one cannot stand still in the Christian race. David knew that he had harmed his soul and he wanted God to make him the kind of person he was before, a consistent, god-fearing person. Are you a Christian who no longer has zeal, earnestness, passion for Christ? Are you praying that God would give that to you again?

Sanctification, The Believer’s Transformation, Part 2 – Dr. John MacArthur

This sermon is about sanctification; the born-again believer lives his entire Christian life between the events of justification and glorification, being progressively sanctified, or made holy. The believer’s chief identity is to be found ‘in Christ.’ Dr. MacArthur’s main text is from Colossians 3, but he also uses Hebrews 12; 2 Corinthians; Ephesians 2. He never stated that this sermon undermines anyone attempting to justify CRT in the church, but it does. I linked a post from this blog wherein Dr. Voddie Baucham spoke about the SBC adopting CRT.

A Better Sacrifice – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

In his 24 minute sermon, Pastor Ramsey clarified the great differences between the old covenant and the new covenant.  The net result of Jesus’ better sacrifice is that as the mediator of this new covenant His sacrifice is final, complete, effective and powerful.  But those words are empty if you have no understanding of the covenants and how they differ; and what blessings the new covenant holds for believers. Please listen and bolster your knowledge of the entire Bible

The Believer’s Lifelong Battle for Holiness – Dr. John MacArthur

The MacArthur sermon in this post is preceded by a list of highlights for those who don’t have 45 minutes to listen. He answered many questions that believers have about what it means to walk in Spirit; about justification, sanctification and salvation. He also delved into pietism and the holiness movement; and legalism; these topics were considered to narrow down the meaning of true walking in the Spirit, as the others are common sideroads. If you are a new Christian, this sermon is worth coming back to many times, bookmark it.

Are You Fighting? – J. C. Ryle / Christian Audio Sermons

True Christians fight the good fight of faith. J C Ryle explains the necessity of the fight, the fight, and terms such as faith and belief. The sermon is more detailed than other accounts I have read or heard. If you are trying to enter into this warfare, or are already in it and want clarification…then you will likely find his words beneficial. I consider the sermon an answer to prayer for help in this area. [This post includes a list of highlights from the mp4 sermon]

Recognizing and Responding to Affliction: From The Rare Jewel Of Christian Contentment

The following short passage from The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, by Jeremiah Burroughs, is being posted to show two basic things about afflictions that God sends into the lives of Christians to fashion them to the image of His Son: 1), how one should respond and 2), what an affliction might look like. Burroughs stated more than once in his book that God routinely sends affliction into the lives of His children, Burroughs calls that “being in the school of Christ.”

Psalm 119:45 I Will Walk At Liberty, For I Seek Thy Precepts: Vignette On Liberty, Part 3

The following picture of ‘liberty’ painted by the author has to do with the intentions of the heart, or the will. Add this to the other parts already posted and you will have a more complete biblical understanding of this important concept of ‘liberty.’ As you go through your days, observe yourself to see how you have come to define ‘liberty.’ Your own definition will be apparent in your conduct; that is, for example, if you find yourself in opposition to God, then you have undoubtedly clung to a secular definition of this important term. If you desire to progress in sanctification, then that will need to change, the author provides some important information to facilitate submission and obedience, the path of change.

Psalm 119:45 I Will Walk At Liberty, For I Seek Thy Precepts: Liberty Further Clarified; Part 2

Liberty is not so much a producing force as a product of other forces. It is not so much a power as it is open space within which other powers work…. There is liberty from the world. Sometimes men are in bondage to the world in this sense, that the mainspring of their life is to stand well with it, to do what their set, their society, the world round about them, wishes them to do…. There is liberty from bad ways — love of the world, drunkenness, gambling, etc. We learn to walk circumspectly; we learn to keep the heart with all diligence…. There is liberty from bad memories…. There is liberty from fear and terror….

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