In the following 6 minute video, vlogger, Polite Leader provided an overview of the documentary. I had never heard of this film, and so was
Category: Prosperity Preachers
Prosperity Preachers of the 1970s Who Still Have a Following
The following two brief videos are about Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker. Both suffered public humiliation because they were caught in sexual scandals; and Bakker
Conversion Testimony: Doreen Virtue Left the New Age to Follow Jesus
Doreen did not seek Christ, but was slowly led in that direction for several years until her conversion. Although she had a Christian Science background
Dangers Of The New Age: An Interview with Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue was born again in 2017, prior to that, she spent 25 years as a New Age teacher and author. She was one of
Angels: Their Ministry; Bad Angels, How God Uses Them in His Providences to His Children
The purpose of this post is to share Calvin’s writings on satan and demons, how God uses them in the lives of believers. If you
Joyce Meyer: a Thoughtful Critique of Her “Ministry?”
The following 6 minute video points out some of Joyce Meyer’s heretical beliefs about Christ. This video was posted because it gives points to consider
Fresh Revelation vs Scripture: John Calvin’s Institutes: Book 1; Chapter 9
The following 11 minute video is about those, socalled, Christians who despise scripture and seek God via other means which Calvin enumerates. This post is
Doctrine of God vs Doctrine of Men
In the following 23 minute mp3, the late Dr. Duane Spencer clearly explains the difference between the doctrines of God and men. His definitions are
The New Experience-Based Faith of the 21st Century; Paganism, Part 20
In the following 21 minute video, Diana Butler Bass was interviewed about her new book (2012), Christianity After Religion. She described a cultural movement in
Prosperity Preaching; Aleister Crowley; Carl Jung; Paganism / Satanism: What these have in common!
This brief post is intended to show readers the connections between prosperity preaching and other unbiblical elements in our current society. These topics will be