The ministry of C. H. Spurgeon is exemplary to modern pastors and lay people alike, because he used his time, talents, and treasure for the
Category: Prosperity Preachers
Todd White: False Teacher
The following 9 minute video by vlogger Polite Leader concisely critiques White’s ministry, comparing him to numerous sound biblical teachers / preachers. The movie American
Wealthy Counterfeit Pastors
In the introduction of the following 13 minute video, by The Third Degree, you will see footage of false preaching scams that are aimed at
False Teacher: Pat Robertson
The following 7 minute video is about word of faith teacher Pat Robertson. Vlogger, Polite Leader provided a succinct and informative assessment of Robertson’s ministry.
The following 9 minute video gives a timeline of Roth’s spiritual search and his false beliefs, which are likened to several other false teachers. Furthermore,
“JUST BELIEVE!” What Does This Popular Phrase Mean?
This past Christmas, I received a card that said, “Just Believe.” The card was from an unbeliever whose spiritual welfare I care about; and because
What Sins Disqualify A Pastor?
A questioner asked pastor John Piper that on his podcast. I wanted to post his answer because I have posted so frequently on prosperity preachers
Creflo Dollar Exposed
The following brief video highlights the false, prosperity ministry of Creflo Dollar. The vlogger, Polite Leader, provided a brief history and significant heretical teachings of
Kenneth Copeland Exposed
The following 8 minute video provides accurate and succinct coverage of the richest pastor in the world, who happens to be a false teacher. The
Strange Fire Conference: The Unbiblical Doctrines and Conduct of Modern Pentecostalism.
There are two videos below for those who have never seen Dr. John MacArthur’s conference on the modern Pentecostal movement. The conference was based on