The Willow Creek Model: We Made A Mistake – Bob Burney

This post has an example from the Willow-Creek, Seeker-Friendly church model that failed miserably. It is an example of bringing the practices of the world into the church as MLJ discussed in the last post, Worldliness. There are still megachurches, they suffer from this problem. Though from the thousands who attend and appear to be excited and happy Christians you might not get that message. But the scandals are telling….

Ex-Elevation Member Exposes Steven Furtick – Pastor Daniel

In the video SHORT of this post, Pastor Daniel EXPLAINS 7 reasons why Steven Furtick (SF) is a false teacher / preacher: SF is a manipulator; focuses on emotion; practices narcigesis; presents a false God; distorts the gospel; presents a pantheistic god [not the biblical God]; and SF presents a false Jesus. Pastor Daniel also recommended biblical preachers in the narrative of his post.

Quenching the Spirit Part 1 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What is quenching the Spirit? In a desire to avoid making Christianity reliant on subjective religious experiences, many Christians leave no room for the work and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This is quenching the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells that the Holy Spirit is a person who indwells all who believe. The church of today ought to look at the early church found in Acts to see what it looks like to rely on the Holy Spirit for power and guidance. What are the practical applications of this message on Ephesians 6:10–13?

Worry and Anxiety – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The MLJ sermon of this post is another in his series on the wiles of the Devil. In the process of his teaching herein, he said quite a lot that applies to the word-of-faith, prosperity gospels and the Charismatic church. His words clarified their great claims via biblical passages. The thrust of his message was to show believers yet another way in which the Devil undermines a believer’s walk with the Lord, rendering them ineffective, discouraged…. [A song is attached to the post because in that song, one can hear the kind of process that MLJ discussed, in terms of laying down one’s self-striving and surrendering to Christ; quitting on self-guidance and receiving His.]

Faith and Experience – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

There are two sermons in this post. The first is a 3 minute 20 second video by Dr John MacArthur to introduce the MLJ sermon. MacArthur’s brief video goes right to the heart of the matter. MLJ’s words confirm what JM said, but MLJ provided a more complete explanation of the relationship between feelings and experience, because he got into the various types of inappropriate feelings and motives behind those. I think MLJ’s sermon explains much 21st century “worship,” particularly in the charismatic churches, but in all churches.  MLJ’s sermon will enable you better assess the quality of your own worship.

Cults – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This post contains a sermon by MLJ on Cults. Therein, he continued his series on the phrase from Ephesians 6:11, “wiles of the Devil.” The crux of the sermon is the distinguishing between a cult and the Christian faith. In the process, several other terms are defined in a user-friendly manner: heretic; apostate; and mystic. After MLJTrust’s points, I added some additional material.

Jezebel Spirit – The Biblical Truth – Doreen Virtue Interview

“What is the Jezebel Spirit? We hear the Jezebel Spirit blamed for infidelity and spiritual warfare. But what does the Bible say?” Pastors Jim Osman and Jacob Tanner along with Doreen Virtue and Dawn Hill discuss the unbiblical nature of “Deliverance Ministries.” “Jezebel Spirit” is the concept they unpack as they show that those who claim to be ministers of deliverance are not speaking as representatives of God and His word. In the process, some valuable information for daily Christian life in this world are communicated. This 18-minute excerpt was posted by Doreen Virtue from a 90-minute interview.

PENTECOST – Pastor Patrick Ramsey – [Part 11 – capstone of mini-series]

In the 27-minute Mp3 sermon of this post, Pastor Ramsey discusses Pentecost in terms of all the other one-time, unrepeatable events that preceded it; that is, it is the fulfillment of Old Testament promises and prophecies. In the process, he helps listeners see links between Old Testament prophecies and New Testament events. These are explained mostly via events and teaching from the book of Acts. [Highlights points of sermon are provided for those who would rather read]

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