The preacher begins by addressing the context of the epistle to the Hebrews, written to Jewish Christians who were becoming discouraged in their faith. He emphasizes the importance of prayer in the Christian life and highlights the difficulties that can arise when attempting to pray. …In conclusion, Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts his listeners to rely solely on Jesus Christ and His finished work for access to God in prayer, rather than on human efforts, rituals, or earthly intermediaries. [In the last third of the message, he compared the RCC to the old way that the Hebrews were also struggling with. His comparison helped me see another problem with such rituals and sensual stimuli: although MLJ likely preached this sermon in the 1950-60’s, protestants are still going back to Rome in our day; MLJ’s words might help such people see their error more clearly.]
Category: Prayer
Ephesians 6:10 – Introduction – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The sermon of this post is an introduction to Ephesians 6:10 and the passage about the armor of God. This is foundational stuff for the Christian because it is about the daily warfare that automatically becomes a major part of the born-again Christian’s experience.
What is the enemy within? – Got Questions Ministries
The apostle Paul recognized the fact there is an internal battle within each one of us; every believer has an “enemy within” that we must fight. This lifelong battle between the flesh and the Spirit will rage until our death. Romans 7:21–23 addresses the enemy within: “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.” Paul understood that his fleshly nature would never conform to God’s will. No matter how much he might want to obey God in every way, he was fighting the “evil . . . right there with me,” the enemy within.
Exposing the Campaign for Immorality – Pastor John MacArthur
This post contains an Mp3 message by John MacArthur, it is another installment of John MacArthur’s series, Exposing the Campaign for Immorality. …While the DNC is the catalyst, the need for addressing these pressing issues is much bigger than any political agenda, as society at large has moved beyond acceptance of sinful behavior and now celebrates it. The promotion of this behavior is inescapable and spreads far wider than the borders of the United States. In light of this, I want to provide a series of messages offering clarity to many critical issues. …The current state of the world mirrors the time of Israel’s judges: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 21:25). Rebellious humanity echoes the words of Psalm 2, “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!” (v. 3). The restraints have been thrown off—and mankind is paying the price….
7 New Age Deceptions infiltrating the Church and deceiving some Christians – Doreen Virtue
Doreen had a lot to say about the following 7 New Age deceptions that are infiltrating the church. In particular, her assessment of The Chosen: she showed a very brief clip that conveyed how wrongly this show presents Jesus, it began 2 minutes and 30 seconds in. HER 7 POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Mark and avoid Jesus Calling books; Mark and avoid The Chosen; Mark and avoid all forms of Yoga; Mark and avoid the Enneagram; Mark and avoid contemplative practices; Mark and Avoid Deliverance Ministries and Self-Deliverance; and finally, Mark and Avoid False Prophets.
Faith Is Like a Muscle and Needs to Be Exercised – Pastor Colin Smith
I am preparing a post on backsliding that mentions ‘exercising faith’ and thought I would post this article beforehand. Pastor Colin Smith explains that it is not enough to just possess faith, as those who are born again possess. One must learn to exercise it. He explains what that means. Extremely valuable information to all Christians that may not have looked into the matter; as exercising it is necessary in the Christian fight of faith.
Why Should We Pray if God Has Planned All Things? – Pastor Sinclair Ferguson – Ligonier Ministries
The 2-minute video of this post, is about God’s sovereignty and our responsibility in prayer. He is our Father and wants to ‘catch us up into His purposes’ via prayer, according to Dr. Sinclair Ferguson.
If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?: Prayer with R.C. Sproul
This post contains an encouraging and instructive 23-minute video by R C Sproul on prayer. Highlight points follow the video.