In the video of this post, Curtis Bowers talked about the various strategies the left is using to collapse our nation. He spent much time on the topic of Covid 19 vaccinations and how that fit into the plan of the left to collapse our economy and to kill as many people as they can because this planet can’t sustain the current population…. He also talked about this agenda of the left’s as it relates to food production, farming, land ownership…. Furthermore, if you have school-age children that are going to be forced to take the vaccination, then you will learn why you do not want them to get vaccinated
Category: One world movement
Transhumanism – John Anderson Interview With John Lennox of Oxford
In 2020, Lennox published 2084 – Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, which covers key developments in technological enhancement, bioengineering and AI. In the book, he discusses the current state of AI – its benefits, dangers and future implications. Over the past 15 years, Lennox has been part of numerous public debates defending the Christian faith, including debates with Christopher Hitchens, Michael Shermer and Richard Dawkins.
The Swamp Is Real: FBI Sends ‘Clear Message’ To Trump and His Supporters, Congressman States – Epoch Times
The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is an escalation of an ongoing attack on anyone who dares to upset the political status quo in Washington, according to Congressman Warren Davidson (R-Ohio)…. “I think for anyone who doubted that there was a swamp when Donald Trump was saying ‘drain the swamp’ now I think there’s true believers. So it’s historic.” In support of his statement, Davidson pointed out that the FBI consists of the same people who spent three to four years supporting a Russia collusion narrative based on a falsified warrant…. More concerning, according to Davidson, the FBI has wholly stopped its objectivity pretense. Davidson told The Epoch Times that Lois Lerner, Sandy Berger, and even Hillary Clinton, allegedly mishandled and destroyed classified information but avoided raids by the FBI. He then pointed out that the FBI has taken no action on Hunter Biden, despite a mountain of evidence. Davidson added, “no accountability for Hunter Biden, no action on that; no action on any number of things that they could have taken action on, like for example, targeting of Supreme Court justices.” He added it is really hard to believe the FBI is objective.
Pompeo, DeSantis Respond to FBI Raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home – Epoch Times
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other GOP leaders have responded to an FBI search of the 45th President’s Florida Mar-a-Lago home after former president Donald Trump said it was “currently under siege, raided, and occupied” on Aug. 8…. Pompeo, the former secretary of state under Trump, said that executing a warrant against a former president of the United States was a “dangerous” precedent to set. “The apparent political weaponization of DOJ/FBI is shameful. AG must explain why 250 yrs of practice was upended with this raid,” Pompeo wrote. “I served on Benghazi Com where we proved Hilliary (sic) possessed classified info. We didn’t raid her home.”
Preparing for Food Shortages? Bulk Up the Pantry—but Also Your Mind, Community, and Spirit – Epoch Times
People in some countries are already suffering from a lack of staples. Wars, government corruption, and natural disasters have brought in their wake starvation and malnutrition, often leading to unrest among the afflicted. Sri Lankans, for instance, recently toppled their government, in part because its restrictions on chemical fertilizers resulted in massive crop failures. In the Netherlands, farmers are rebelling, peacefully so far, against their government’s “green” restrictions on cows and pasturelands. Here in the United States, there’s debate over whether food shortages are looming in the near future. Some experts laugh at this idea, while others, including farmers, warn that bad weather, the rising costs of food production, particularly with higher prices for diesel fuel and fertilizer, and a broken supply chain will lead to empty shelves in grocery stores by the fall. Certain federal policies seem almost deliberately aimed at creating a crisis rather than managing one. … Given this uncertain future, we might heed that old chestnut: “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” And there are several ways we can easily do so….
COVID Vax Is ‘Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Humanity’: EU Leader – American Faith
A top European leader has denounced the global COVID-19 “vaccine campaign” as the “biggest crime ever committed on humanity.”
German politician Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament, issued a powerful statement condemning vaccination programs around the world. Anderson warned that “unscrupulous” “globalist elites” are waging war on humanity by forcing the public to get vaccinated. “This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history and, moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity,” said Anderson.
ESG Is a Globalist ‘Scam’ Meant to Usher In ‘One World Government’: James Lindsay – Epoch Times
James Lindsay, author of “Race Marxism” and other books challenging woke narratives, has taken environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores into his crosshairs, calling ESG a weapon in the hands of “social justice warriors” to shake down corporations and a tool in the hands of those seeking to impose “one world government.” Lindsay told NTD’s “The Nation Speaks” program in a recent interview that the ESG scoring system was initially conceived as a way for investors to track the likelihood that a corporation would be a good bet for investment over the long term. …over time, ESG scores have been hijacked and “weaponized” by “social justice warriors.” “They have the leverage to be able to use this like a … financial gun to the head of any corporation that doesn’t do what it wants them to do,” he said, calling it a “blatant weaponization.”
Before You Vote: Worst Governed Cities; Best Governed Cities; Criteria Of Measurement
People are fleeing New York City in droves, the city’s crime rate is not going down any time soon, Mayor Eric Adams is complaining about illegal immigrants using up social service resources, and AOC is nowhere to be found. Shapiro weighs in. [Shapiro explains the exodus from 2 California cities and NYC; he also identifies the 7 cities that are receiving those refugees of blue cities.]
Agenda Weekly Featured Videos And Article Links, July 17-23, 2022
This post consists of Agenda Weeky, July 17-23 featured videos: Exposing Communist China’s Organ Harvesting and Torture Campaign (86 minutes); Guilty are Now Hiding Humanitarian Catastrophe – Dr. Perrie Kory (52 minutes); The Communist Origins of the Gay Rights Movement (9 minutes); The Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover – Dr. Mercola interview with Naomi Wolf (66 minutes). And links to three articles: Reclaim Control of Your Digital Life; These Senators Defended Marriage in 2015. What’s Changed? Sri Lanka Is Just The First To Topple In Globalists’ Green Energy House Of Cards.