The Lord’s Compassion For Sinners – Jeff Mayfield, Part Two

This is Jeff Mayfield’s second video on Dane Ortlund’s book Gentle and Lowly; herein, he is talking about Christ’s compassion for sinners.  If you have been given understanding by God’s Spirit that you are in fact, a helpless sinner and that you need the Savior…then this 7 minute video will benefit you.  There is also a 36 minute video wherein Dane Ortlund answers questions about the heart of God from Christians on every continent. I found it very beneficial, you will also – the questions are about various aspects of walking with the Lord.

The Heart of God – Jeff Mayfield

In the 8 minute video of this post, Jeff Mayfield is noting the significant aspects of chapter one of a book he is studying with his congregation: Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. His message was basically, don’t wait to come to God after sinning because He is merciful to sinners and the rationale for that statement:

The Believer’s Lifelong Battle for Holiness – Dr. John MacArthur

The MacArthur sermon in this post is preceded by a list of highlights for those who don’t have 45 minutes to listen. He answered many questions that believers have about what it means to walk in Spirit; about justification, sanctification and salvation. He also delved into pietism and the holiness movement; and legalism; these topics were considered to narrow down the meaning of true walking in the Spirit, as the others are common sideroads. If you are a new Christian, this sermon is worth coming back to many times, bookmark it.

Recognizing and Responding to Affliction: From The Rare Jewel Of Christian Contentment

The following short passage from The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, by Jeremiah Burroughs, is being posted to show two basic things about afflictions that God sends into the lives of Christians to fashion them to the image of His Son: 1), how one should respond and 2), what an affliction might look like. Burroughs stated more than once in his book that God routinely sends affliction into the lives of His children, Burroughs calls that “being in the school of Christ.”

3Gs: Guilt, Grace And Gratitude, by Dr. Patrick Ramsey

In case the title of this post doesn’t speak to you, I want to encourage you to listen to the 27 minute sermon herein because it thoroughly explains the relationship between the Passover and the Lord’s Supper, and much more. For example, I had never had a good understanding of what Jesus meant when He said in John 6 – unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. I knew that he was referring to the Lord’s Supper, but there is more than that in His words. This sermon will provide you with a fuller understanding of Jesus’ words; you will also have a greater appreciation of the interrelatedness of the Old and New Testaments and how the blood of the OT passover was looking forward to Jesus’ saving blood….

Can One Be Both Christian And Marxist? NO!

The purpose of this post is to confront those Christians who are of the opinion that they can be Marxists and Christians; that is not possible.  The following two very brief videos provide instruction in logic that the human rational mind uses every day; although most do not notice the processes happening.  The same topic, described by two different teachers in two different settings should help readers understand why a person cannot simultaneously be an atheist and a theist – cannot be both a Marxist and a Christian. 

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