Amos 7:12-13 – Kenneth Stewart Sermon

Pastor Kenneth Steward from Glasgow RP Church of Scotland, preached on Amos 7:12 and 13. Sermon points are below the following scriptures …God sent Amos from Judah to prophesy against Israel; Amos went to Bethel, the false religious center of the northern kingdom …Israel had a NEW way of worshipping the one true God; Jeroboam had instituted worship of golden calves in Bethel

Isaiah 5-6 “The Man for a National Crisis” – Dr. John MacArthur

In the following sermon by Dr. MacArthur, he compares the current state of our nation to that of Israel, as portrayed by Isaiah in chapters 5 and 6 of his prophecy. Dr. MacArthur used many scriptures in his portrayal of nations under judgment by God, including Romans 1; Isaiah 1; 14; 66; Matthew 13; Mark 4; Luke 8; John 12; Acts 28; Psalm 81. In Isaiah 5, the prophet pronounced 5 woes for:   1, excessive materialism; 2, for drunken pleasure seeking; 3, for having no knowledge of God; 4, for defiant sinfulness, for blatantly displaying their sins; and 5, the arrogance and conceit of the leaders – they declared evil good and good evil…. His message ultimately stated that there is no hope for our nation, but there is hope of individual salvation, of those elect; believers need to be preaching correctly about the state of affairs in God’s world. 

How to Live in an Upside Down World; by Dr. John MacArthur

Via the 20 minute sermon in this post, Dr. John MacArthur brings much clarity regarding the catastrophic social changes unfolding before our eyes. If you have been distressed about what you see happening in politics, religion, education…then you may glean the kind of understanding which could redirect you and enable you to find meaning and purpose in the midst of this seeming chaos, strengthening your walk with the Lord.

The People Don’t Recognize God’s Judgment: Rev. Kenneth Stewart

This sermon is a perfect follow up to the last post, as it carefully explains the mercies of God in Christ – gospel repentance; God’s standard of righteousness, from the perspective of the cross; what it means to care about the things of God; and how ministers of the word err. …The aforementioned topics are the highlights; his minor points and related material were wonderful; that is, therein he expanded much and made those things very understandable, such that new Christians will get much from hearing him. 


The purpose of this post is to emphasize the value of truth as it is described in scripture; and to make clear that truth is presently wounded, lying in the street, and the forces of evil are focused on destroying it before it is able to get up. (Jer 7:28 [ESV2011]) And you shall say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips.

The Last Days, As Wickedness Ramps Up [From]

In these last days, we are eye-witnesses to God’s sovereign control over everything that is taking place. He is allowing wicked men to employ their devious schemes to fulfill prophecy. God’s prophetic word tells us there will be a global government that will control the population, a global economy that will control commerce, and a global religion that will force the worship of a false Christ (Rev. 13 & 17). As these events begin to unfold, this blessed generation of God’s people can be encouraged as we keep looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus (Titus 2:13). The King of kings will defeat evil and set up His everlasting kingdom where justice and righteousness are the foundation of His throne (Psalm 89:14).

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