R.C. Sproul – God’s Help For Depressed Believers [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 4]

In the R C Sproul sermon of this post, he carefully explains how God gives salvation to a believer. In the process he discusses faith, justification and imputation, all bed-rock doctrines upon which the Christian’s spiritual life is built. He also clearly shows where Protestantism and Roman Catholicism differ, and where the latter veers into unbiblical byways. He uses scripture to make his points. [Sermon highlight points and some passages of scripture are provided]

How Do The Reformed Faiths Of J. MacArthur And V. Baucham Differ? [ Salvation and Eschatology Part 3]

In the video of this post, Pastor Joel Webbon explains the difference between the Baptist 1689 confession subscribed to by Voddie Baucham and the Westminister Confession of Faith subscribed to by John MacArthur – regarding their eschatological views. He does that in the process of answering a question submitted by a viewer. The question contained several questions which had to be clarified by Webbon before he got to the main point. So the video is a bit longer than it might have been, but for listeners who are new to such topics, Webbon’s redundancy will likely be helpful.


The 22-minute video of this post was divided into equal parts to upload. On the video, the vlogger specifically answers the question, will Catholics go to hell. He initially provided a casual answer, but after a few moments, began a specific biblical answer. In the process, he compared Protestant Reformed faith and Catholicism, according to what they hold to be God’s doctrine of SALVATION. The Roman Catholic Church holds an unbiblical view.

The Covenant Of Grace – Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation and Eschatology, Part 2]

In the 25-minute mp4 of this post, Pastor Hines explains biblical covenant theology as it reveals God’s plan of redemption in the Old and New Testaments. You will find that it is wrong to say, “the Old Testament was law and the New, grace;” or, “we are living in the day of grace,” as though those in the Old Testament were not saved by grace also. Many Christians, who have not formed a habit of reading through their Bibles, err in that they think wrongly about the Old Testament saints, how they were saved by God.

Joe Scarborough Claims Christ Was Pro-Abortion – WWUTT

The 2-minute video in this post speaks against MSNBC host Joe Scarborough as it puts forth a biblical view on abortion. A huge point that might be missed by viewers, especially those who are pro-abortion is that there is forgiveness for this sin (murder), and other sins that are mentioned in the video, because of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. All pro-abortion advocates ought to thank God that their own mothers were not as hasty to abort their babies as they themselves are, or they would never have walked this earth they are trying to pollute with innocent blood. 

How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist – Paul Washer

At the 2021 Fellowship Conference, Paul Washer was asked the following question: So I was saved about two years ago from, well, atheism, and I have a pretty atheistic family. And so I’ve been trying to share the gospel with them. Ever since I was saved. And just finally, recently, I’m engaged in a conversation with my sister, and she’s wanting to get into a discussion about evidence and I’m just curious if you guys can touch on should I engage in that or not? [He provided a 6-minute answer that will offer you help if you have unsaved family and friends that you desire to reach.]

Spiritual Depression – By Martyn Lloyd-Jones – Chapter 2 Excerpts, Post 2

This post provides excerpts concerning Martyn Lloyd-Jones second principle of chapter two from his book, Spiritual Depression. Recently, I posted excerpts of the first part of that chapter and have decided to provide the latter part also, so that readers might have a fuller taste of this classic book. The words of this post emphasize how God the Father made Christ a propitiation for sin; Jones calls this his second principle of chapter 2. His discussion in this chapter is of necessary prerequisites to knowing spiritual joy…such that one is not depressed spiritually.

Proclaiming The Gospel – The Ministry Of Former Roman Catholic Mike Gendron

Catholics have been indoctrinated with the premise that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church founded by Christ 2000 years ago. They claim protestant churches began only 500 years ago. Are they correct? Is there a “one true church”? And if there is, can we identify the one true church? The answers to these important questions can be found throughout the New Testament. Mike’s argument consists of the following headings: Who Are Members of the True Church? The Professing Church Is Not the True Church; Roman Catholicism Is Not the True Church; There Is Only One Door to the True Church; The Spiritual Promises Given to the True Church; The Privileges of the True Church; and, The Protection of the True Church.

The Gospel- The Only Hope Of Escaping God’s Wrath Against Sin

This post contains the gospel message presented by Mike Gendron, a former Roman Catholic. He was converted after having been a practicing Catholic for 37 years. His presentation contains many references to scripture and is worthy of study for anyone who doesn’t really know the gospel message or how to present it. This post was copied and pasted from an email I received from his ministry.

Philippians 2:16 holding fast to the word of life….

Philippians 2:16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.  In this post, you will learn what the ‘word of life’ is and to what professed Christians are obligated in this world. You will also, certainly learn the value and necessity of reading the Bible. That is not the message of many churches in our time – they are sorely mistaken, proclaiming their man-centered gospel messages that cause hearers to be established in the Broad WAY of destruction.

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