What is the Gospel?

The following 7-minute video is from the YouTube site, Got Questions dot org. He presents the gospel message clearly. The gospel message is the good news concerning Christ and the way of salvation. It comes with the bad news, that you were born in sin under the law….

C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for April 12

Spurgeon’s morning thoughts were on, “My heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.” — Psa_22:14; and his evening thoughts, on: “The king’s garden.” — Neh_3:15. And it goes without saying that the writing is full of meaningful, poetic metaphors; the pictures of which increase insight. [I discovered his thoughts when I went to E-sword Bible software to get some scripture for tomorrows post, and was happy to see that today’s thoughts prepare the way to hear tomorrow’s post, even though each stand alone.]

Breakfast with the Devil, Supper with the Savior [The Thief on the Cross] – Pastor Colin Smith

Two men had pursued a life of crime; they were angry with God, and now they stood on the brink of eternity. Pastor Colin talks about how something changed in one man’s soul, and he cried out to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Discover the stunning words Jesus said to this man. [This 2-part sermon gives very clear teaching about how one is saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Those Christians who fear they will never be sufficiently good to enter into heaven will be greatly uplifted by the contents of this sermon, particularly, Roman Catholics. But I know many Christians, including myself, who wrongly think that our own performance has something to do with entering into heaven. Sermon points are included for part 1

Covenant Theology Overview by Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation and Eschatology, Part 8, Conclusion]

The 22-minute video in this post addresses the following: the unity of the covenants of the Bible, Old and New Testaments; why faith is the only way of salvation; why works, obedience to the law, cannot save anyone; and why the doctrines of old-school Dispensationalism, which ascribe to God, two different ways of salvation in the Bible, are erroneous. Sermon highlight points are provided.

Am I Right With God – Pastor Patrick Hines

The 1-minute video of this post provides foundational biblical information via which one can assess his walk with God; that is, are you coming by faith or by works. Many Christians are coming to God via works and will end in hell. This is a follow-up post to the most recent post by Pastor Ramsey on Faith. There are links herein, to hear Ramsey’s sermons on Faith and Works; also links to Hines’ and Ramsey’s Sermon Audio sermon pages. I noticed that Pastor Hines also has some very relevant recent sermons on this topic.

By Faith – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The following points are from Pastor Ramsey’s sermon conclusion: We are justified by faith in Christ Jesus; and FAITH does not merely believe some facts / truths about Jesus. Faith is trusting Him and depending on Him to save you By MEANS of His Death and Resurrection; and Faith UNITES the believer to Jesus. “IN HIM” we are made right with God. Thus, we are JUSTIFIED by FAITH; and we are JUSTIFIED ‘IN CHRIST.’ In Athens, Paul declared that God had fixed a day in which He will judge the world [see Acts 17]. How might you be found righteous before God [be justified] on that DAY? By FAITH in Jesus Christ because: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [The contents of this sermon clearly explain why John 14:6 is true]

Not By Works – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

This post contains an mp3 sermon by Pastor Patrick Ramsey on Galatians 2:15-21. The way of salvation is not by works of the law. His sermon explained in great detail why this is so. Sermon points include more information than usual because this is an important point to grasp – every religion in the world, except Christianity, [and many of them wrongly] believes that one can earn righteousness to satisfy God’s wrath against sin… to get into heaven. The Bible says that is not true. The book of Galatians makes that very clear

Together For the Gospel – Galatians 2:11-14 by Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The 28-minute, mp3 sermon in this post discusses Galatians 2:11-14. Therein, Paul rebuked Peter for leading Galatians astray from the true biblical gospel…. In the process, pastor Ramsey clarified how Peter’s actions resulted in a message of hypocrisy to those present; also, that there has only been one gospel message since Abraham, the father of the faithful; that no one in the Old Testament was saved by keeping the law of Moses…. Below his sermon, I supplied some scriptures that indicate that Abraham believed God by Faith, as did all Old Testament believers who were saved. [Many Christians today believe that the Old Testament was about Law and the New, grace. No, all salvation has been by grace since God chose a people to call to himself, beginning with Abraham]

Galatians, Intro Sermon to series by John MacArthur

In this post is an introductory sermon of John MacArthur’s series on Galatians. Sermon highlight points precede the 48-minute video for those who would rather read. The initial 20 minutes or so is devoted to the lives of Job and Luther, to show godly fear that moved these men to seek God, but that did not avail in reconciliation until God intervened. If you know little about the difference between the seeking of salvation/reconciliation with God via works or via faith, then you should benefit from hearing his words. Also, he describes some current false teachers, also highlighted in the points.

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