Psalm / Hymn Singalong for personal worship

The purpose of this post is to provide music and singing for leading personal worship. I doubt if I’m the only worshiper who cannot carry a tune, even when I know the lyrics. Herein, the lyrics are below the music video so that readers might sing along with Brian Cochran as he plays his guitar and sings. It is like being in church and singing with the congregation and the pianist. Herein: Psalm 51C, about confessing sin; two hymns to help the worshiper consider the atoning work of Christ; and one hymn to help one consider the covenant God made with Abraham from which His redemptive work flowed

SBC Preacher J D Greear on Gay Marriage

The purpose of this post is to show what has happened to the values of, SBC preacher, J D Greear between the years of 2014 and 2021. He flip-flopped from holding biblical doctrine to holding un-biblical doctrine.  In the initial video, from 2014, you will hear Pastors Voddie Baucham, Russell Moore and J D Greear discussing gay marriage. These men also say a lot about biblical marriage and what has happened via cultural influences. Each man was pro-Bible in his doctrine. In the second video, 2021, you will hear what J D Greear said then about gay marriage and homosexuality. His doctrinal stance had become anti-Bible. In the second video, sound advice is offered for SBC members.

Must Watch: The Most Evil Religion In The World

This post contains a thorough video explanation of the biggest errors of the Roman Catholic Church. Those errors are concerning the doctrine of justification as presented in the Bible. Dr. James White gives an overview of those during the initial 3 minutes of the video and I have provided a few more specifics to help readers who are unfamiliar with that doctrine. [Host site video description.] “Why Catholicism is dangerous. With Voddie Baucham, James White, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Pope Francis, and Robert Barron.”

The Power of Looking for the One! [As in Luke 15:4, leaving the 99 to look]

The video in this post is about witnessing Christ; the speaker explains his book which approaches witnessing according to Luke 15:4  “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, IF HE HAS LOST ONE of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and GO AFTER THE ONE that is lost, until he finds it?  …seeking “the one” allows you to experience the refreshment that comes from doing God’s will. Rather than feeling overwhelmed or exhausted [from working in your own strength] you will be energized by the knowledge that Jesus is working through you. By revealing the glory of God and making Him known to others, you become an instrument of His divine purpose. [In the video, he explains that one must surrender to Jesus in prayer, and ask to be used of Him for that purpose….]

Covenant Theology | Justification by Faith Alone | Saving Faith – Pastor Patrick Hines

Pastor Hines opened by reading the following passages: Titus 2:11-14; Romans 5:17-21; Romans 3:20-26; Genesis 3:22-24; and Genesis 2:16, 17. Afterwards, he shared a 2 minute quotation from a book on justification written by Michael Horton which conveyed misunderstandings that he and his wife had about justification even though they had been instructed in a biblical church. Part of the quotation from Michael Horton’s book is as follows: Many people have told me “I feel like there was grace for me at the beginning sufficient to be saved; I was totally forgiven, slate wiped clean…;” but now it seems like, “do more, be more… and I wonder if there is still enough grace for me after blowing it so many times.” Pastor Hines is preaching on this doctrine so people do not have to go around wondering such things, but can be more secure via a biblical understanding….

Proclaiming the Gospel – Mike Gendron May 2023

The entire News Letter of Mike Gendron’s ministry, Proclaiming the Gospel has been copied and pasted in below. This ministry is about proclaiming the biblical gospel to Roman Catholics, because they are being taught a false gospel based on works. This time, I also pasted in the information about teaching conferences and ministry publications of tracts, books, etc. The links are live to his ministry site, for those who would like to order some of his publications. 

J. Gresham Machen’s classic book Christianity and Liberalism – Ligonier Ministries

This post contains two short videos about J Gresham Machen; the first is on his book Christianity and Liberalism. Therein, Stephen Nichols explains the controversy which led Machen to write his book. In the course of his explanation, Nichols provided basic teaching on modernism, liberalism, the Scopes monkey trial, and Christian fundamentalism…. If you know nothing of these things, you should hear this video because it will give you insight into origins of current struggles in the church. The second video, 7-minutes, is an answer to a question submitted to Ligonier Ministries. This video is also on Machen but is more of an overview and covers different things. 

Essential Church Movie – Grace Church – John MacArthur – Justin Peters

This post contains a 42-minute Justin Peters’ interview with an elder of Grace Community Church. That interview is about the movie they are producing on the struggles the church underwent during the COVID19 pandemic; they framed that in terms of the ongoing struggle between Satan’s kingdom and the church.  THE MOVIE TRAILER IS THE INITIAL 3 MINUTES AND 23 SECONDS, please view at least that much of this video. You will be greatly encouraged!

Voddie Baucham – Some Thoughts About You And The Gospel Message

In the following two video shorts from the YouTube site, Solus Christus, Baucham made two statements that Christians need to hear about witnessing the gospel and standing up for Christ in this culture: this first clip is about the personal cost in terms of social acceptance; also, about who is YOUR LORD. Political Correctness would be your lord if you submit to it. PC is the strong right arm of the socialist Marxist democratic leftist machine which is coming down on all of us in America. The second clip is about being able to articulate a personal rationale for believing in the Bible, the gospel message and the Christian worldview

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