This month, the Gendron’s Newsletter focus is on the various aspects of bondage from spiritual deception. Anyone who has studied the Bible, especially the New Testament epistles of Romans and Galatians, knows that the Roman Catholic gospel is NOT biblical. It therefore does not save. Those who believe that it does, or follow the RCC blindly, are in the bondage of deception; read this post to get some specifics on how that is so. ALSO, Mike’s Letters To Equip the Saints, has 4 very important letters and responses. Additionally, THIS POST CONTAINS a link to the testimony of another former Roman Catholic who discusses his conversion and what the false doctrine of the RCC has in common with 4 other false reilgions.
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Combat Between the Flesh and the Spirit – Puritan Christopher Love
This post contains 3 videos: a video short, a 17-minute excerpt of the full sermon from which the short came; and the full-length sermon. The Puritan Christopher Love addressed the matter of the Holy Spirit’s work in sanctifying the believer. He focused on two aspects: what the Spirit does to dissuade a believer from sinning; and what the Spirit does to sanctify the believer after he has sinned. Every Christian needs to understand this matter as well as possible such that he/she is receptive to the Spirit’s workings. Highlights are provided for the 17-minute excerpt; a link to some posts in this blog about Jonathan Edwards addressing these matters, but Edwards was not as thorough as Love.
Calvin’s Institutes… – Book 2 – Chapter 11: The difference Between the Two Testaments [Part 10 of 10]
Excerpts from chapter 11 of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion were used to show the unity between the Old and New Testaments. This is part 10 of 10; the preceding posts were very succinctly restated herein. During this series, it was shown that there was only ever ONE people of God; that theories like Dispensationalism are in error…. The big point being, that the God of the Bible unfolded His plan of redemption across the entire face of the Bible: the Old and New Testaments are intimately connected. All those Christians who say the Old Testament was about law and the New about grace, err: since the fall, it was always about grace.
There are Not Two People of God: Israel and the Church [Part 8]
In the 8-minute 28-second sermon excerpt of this post, the late Pastor Eric Alexander explained how the Gentiles became incorporated into the people of God, Israel. Pastor Alexander defined the ‘MYSTERY’ that Paul discussed in Ephesians 3: the mystery is that God incorporated the Gentiles into ‘His people’ by UNITING them to His Son. This sermon will have more meaning if part 7 is also heard, a sermon on the Body of Christ from Romans 12 and Ephesians 4.
Why Are Protestants Becoming Catholics? – Mike Gendron’s Newsletter
The May edition of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: Unity Accords Between Catholics and Evangelicals; Warnings Are Being Withheld or Avoided; Disobedience to God and His Word; Compromise for the Sake of Peace and Unity; Ignorance of Catholicism’s False and Fatal Gospel; Scripture Proves Eucharist Is a False Christ; Plenary Indulgence for Worship of Eucharist; letters to the editor
Are These the End Times? – Ligonier Ministries Discussion Panel
This post contains a 27-minute excerpt of a 69-minute discussion at Ligonier on the topic of Eschatology. Specifically: Believers who have ‘fallen asleep’ in the Lord; The rapture; Millennial views; Should believers study the book of Revelation?
What is typology? How can we use it responsibly in Bible study? [Part 6]
This post contains a 5-minute video on typology and an edited blog post about the video, also by Ligonier. This is another post in my mini-series on connections between the Old and New Testaments. Among the comments Sinclair Ferguson makes, he talks about the Old Testament believers who were saved by looking forward to Christ, by grace; just as New Testament believers are saved.