The 4-minute video of this post explains “How God Tests Us.” In the initial two minutes the metal refining process is explained; then that information is applied to the Christian by explaining the manner and purpose of God’s “testing” process. Highlight points are below the video. A few relevant scriptures are used in closing, to show that God’s testing process is like that used in refining metal.
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Deceitfulness of the Heart – Jeremiah 17:9 – Archibald Alexander – Part 3 of 3
Parts 1 and 2 of this three-part series treated the deceitful imaginations of the heart; this part consists of the ‘Reflections’ of Alexander as he closed the chapter. The text from his book is directly under the video so that readers might follow along with the video reader if they desire to do so. I think that is a good way to consider the weighty material Alexander covers in his study of Jeremiah 17:9.
Deceitfulness of the Heart – Jeremiah 17:9 – Archibald Alexander – Part 2 of 3
The topic of this post is part 2 of chapter 12 from Archibald Alexander’s book: Practical Sermons to be read in Families and Social Meetings. His topic derives from, Jermiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I think is it important to understand this foundational biblical concept from Jeremiah’s writings because it is how the whole of scripture speaks of mankind. But you may not realize that if you attend a mainline Christian church, unless, of course, you are a student of the Bible.
Deceitfulness of the Heart – Jeremiah 17:9 – Archibald Alexander – Part 1 of 3
This post contains a video reading of chapter 12 of Archibald Alexander’s book; it also contains a portion of the book which covers and introductory discussion of the deceitfulness of the heart and two DECEPTIONS OF THE IMAGINATION that occur in the deceitful heart. You will certainly recognize them both and might also gain some useful insight to help you undermine such operations via journaling, strategizing, prayer….
“Christian” meditation app – DWELL – Analysis by Doreen Virtue
Christian meditation apps, such as Dwell, contain unbiblical and potentially spiritually dangerous methods such as Lectio Divina, breathwork, ecumenism, and monastic mysticism. Doreen Virtue compares audio clips of her pre-salvation new age meditations to the meditations on Dwell, so you can hear the similar hypnotic induction techniques.
How to Be Sanctified – Charles Spurgeon Devotional – “Morning and Evening”
The 3-minute video devotional of this post has much to say on the topic of sanctification, presenting all the parts of it in a very condensed manner. It is certainly a good video to replay, note and meditate upon.
CAN WE AS BELIEVERS HAVE “UNITY THROUGH COMMUNITY?” [The video answers that question.] “Satan is not an atheist; he believes in God…. He is the god of this world. He’s the author of false religions. Satan’s big program is not to make atheists out of everybody, but just to pervert, just to corrupt the truth enough so that they think they are right with God. They think they are Christians when they are really not. He is the author of false religions.” —Dave Hunt. “We all pray to the same god.” —Jonathan Roumie. Rick Warren left Saddleback to “work with churches of every denomination.” “You’ve got Catholics, and Jews, and Mormons, and evangelicals. We’re all loving the same show, so maybe, just maybe, we’re loving the same Jesus.” —Dallas Jenkins
Proclaiming the Gospel Newsletter for July 2024 – Mike Gendron Ministries
Topics covered in this month’s newsletter include: Our Only Infallible Source for Truth on Earth; Every Religion Has Its Own Authority; There is No Higher Authority than God and His Word; The Internal Testimony of Scripture; Religion Is What Man Says God Says; Unity With Rome Is Meeting Little Resistance [ecumenism places unity over truth]; People Held in Bondage Don’t Even Know It; Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints; Epochs of Time Reveal God’s Wrath on Sin [depicted on chart]; and, Pope Embraces Married Transgenders. There are links to the Gendron’s store to purchase books and pamphlets and other resources….
John Newton Hymn – I Asked The Lord That I Might Grow – biblical critique by Vince Wright
This post contains a biblical critique on the John Newton hymn, I Asked The Lord That I Might Grow. The critique was copied and pasted from, The Berean Test (Vince Wright), which I discovered today as I was looking for lyrics to this hymn, set to music. I’d been listening to the hymn a lot lately and pondering its significance in light of spiritual growth, and was pleased to find a biblical critique of the hymn. Also, in this post is a link to the many contemporary songs Vince Wright has critiqued.
Jezebel Spirit – The Biblical Truth – Doreen Virtue Interview
“What is the Jezebel Spirit? We hear the Jezebel Spirit blamed for infidelity and spiritual warfare. But what does the Bible say?” Pastors Jim Osman and Jacob Tanner along with Doreen Virtue and Dawn Hill discuss the unbiblical nature of “Deliverance Ministries.” “Jezebel Spirit” is the concept they unpack as they show that those who claim to be ministers of deliverance are not speaking as representatives of God and His word. In the process, some valuable information for daily Christian life in this world are communicated. This 18-minute excerpt was posted by Doreen Virtue from a 90-minute interview.