The Covenant of Grace in the Old Testament – Martyn Lloyd-Jones [Part 1]

This sermon by MLJ clarifies that the Bible is unified by its covenants. Furthermore, the most important covenant is the covenant of grace which was hinted at in Genesis 3:15. It is established fully via the duration of the Bible, in the various other covenants. If you have been under the impression that there are two peoples of God; or that the Old and New Testaments reveal differing ways of salvation…; then this sermon will show you the errors of such thinking that abounds in our society because of the man-made doctrines of dispensationalism.

Mind, Heart, and Will – A Sermon on Romans 6:17  by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This post contains two videos: a 3-minute John MacArthur video on true worship that serves as an overview of the full sermon by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The text of Lloyd-Jones’ sermon is Romans 6:17, he titled it, “Mind, Heart, and Will,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows that the Christian message involves the whole person, and the whole person is to be affected by it. Christians cannot rejoice in the gospel if their doctrine is unbalanced or lopsided. Some Christians emphasize merely the morality of the Christian message. Others believe Christianity is only about forgiveness of sins. This is due to the fact that many preachers embrace doctrine that lacks balance. Converts often look like the people God used in their conversion, picking up their characteristics. Thus, for many, their understanding of the Christian message is lacking. …As a Christian battles spiritual depression, it is imperative that they know the whole gospel and have been affected by it. In this way, one may, once again, experience the joy of their salvation.””

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted – Trinity Psalter Hymnal 342

This post contains one hymn sung by Brian Cochran. It was copied and uploaded from his YouTube site. I have been experimenting with singing as part of my personal worship for the past year, off and on. I find that my heart is warmer and more prepared for reading God’s word if I have sung a few hymns beforehand. This hymn is one of my favorites because it reminds me of Jesus’ atoning work, His suffering… for me. I am moved to consider my priorities and clearly see that the things of self are still way too important…. I’m in my 70’s and need to seek God’s help to rectify this while it is possible.

The Modern Philistine – by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

…“The essence of wisdom for the church at a time like this is to look back into her own history.” When she does this, what will she find? She will find that no revival has ever been known in history that denied the fundamentals of the Christian faith or neglected such vital truths. These truths are constantly buried by “the rubbish of the Philistines.” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the vital truths and doctrines denied by the Philistines: the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Bible, the doctrine of sin, and the wrath of God. Revival cannot happen without the proclamation of these truths. It is with arrogance, pride, and the tendency to glorify oneself rather than God that stands between us and His mighty blessings of revival.

Why Was Jesus Baptized?: Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

This post contains a 6-minute video by Pastor Sinclair Ferguson, one episode of his podcast, Things Unseen. His 5 episodes of last week were about various aspects of baptism. He was focusing on the deeper meaning of baptism which did not get into the common areas of dispute among believers. He said something in this video that I had not heard in the 20 years I’ve been a Christian, as he explained how it is that Jesus’ baptism is a picture of the gospel. In the process, he explained what the reformers meant when they called believers to ‘improve’ their baptism.

Franklin Graham shares the Gospel with thousands after previously being cancelled

I heard a video on YouTube about Graham having been cancelled in the UK and found this article when I was looking for articles on that topic.  Below, you will find that Graham had been cancelled from speaking at several venues in the UK in 2020 because of his Christian beliefs on marriage and sexuality. After winning lawsuits for having been discriminated against, he was permitted to speak at the following venue. Three other articles from The Christian Institute about victories for free speech are linked to this post.

7 New Age Deceptions infiltrating the Church and deceiving some Christians – Doreen Virtue

Doreen had a lot to say about the following 7 New Age deceptions that are infiltrating the church. In particular, her assessment of The Chosen: she showed a very brief clip that conveyed how wrongly this show presents Jesus, it began 2 minutes and 30 seconds in. HER 7 POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Mark and avoid Jesus Calling books; Mark and avoid The Chosen; Mark and avoid all forms of Yoga; Mark and avoid the Enneagram; Mark and avoid contemplative practices; Mark and Avoid Deliverance Ministries and Self-Deliverance; and finally, Mark and Avoid False Prophets.

The Tabernacle and What It Reveals to Us – Chosen People Ministries – Part 2

The 5-minute video of this post, walks one into the courtyard and through the tabernacle. In the process, it explains the significance of the Altar, the Minora, the Table and Incense altar, the Ark and Mercy seat. These all have significance in the lives of Christians. Through these things, God pictured His WAY of salvation that He has been unfolding via His PLAN of Redemption, since Genesis 3, the Fall.

Roman Catholicism Proclaims an Unbiblical Gospel – Mike Gendron Ministries

Mike Gendron’s Newsletter for August of 2024 discusses the following topics, as being various aspects of the false gospel of the Roman Catholic Church: A Plenary Indulgence for Visiting the Elderly; Catholic Priests – the Modern Day Judaizers; Catholicism Reject God’s Promise of Eternal Life; Contend for the Gospel’s Purity and Exclusivity; Ignoring the Errors of Roman Catholicism; Mary’s Brown Scapular Saves You from Hell; The Catholic Clergy Preaches a False Gospel; Unity Accords with Catholics Cause Confusion; Unity at the Expense of Truth is Treason

The Tabernacle of God [Jesus Christ] – Part 1

Dr. Philip Ryken described the Tabernacle from scripture and went on to explain its significance in terms of worship, then and now. His teaching concluded in an explanation of how it is that Jesus Christ is the Tabernacle.  If you have not understood this from your reading of the Old Testament, then you will greatly benefit from hearing his teaching. The concepts he explained are foundational to your worship today; to how you think about Christ and approach Him in worship. [Highlights run from 17 to 41 minute marks]

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