What is the gospel is? A great tragedy today (even among professing Christians) is not knowing what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. In this Christmas sermon on Matthew 4:23 titled “The Gospel of the Kingdom,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the message that frames the beginning and end of the Lord Jesus’s ministry. By looking at both Matthew 4:23 and 24:14, he explores the message of the gospel from the perspective of the kingdom of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that the greatness of the gospel is the good news of God’s kingdom (or His rule and reign). [I opened the post with points about the gospel that he did not mention herein, but he did note in other sermons.]
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Post-millennialism and the Spiritual View (Remastered) – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
There are three main views of interpreting Revelation 20: premillennial, postmillennial, and spiritual. In this sermon on postmillennialism and the spiritual view, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones continues his series on Great Biblical Doctrines by preaching on the other possible interpretations of Revelation and the end times. [He spent the bulk of the sermon speaking about the Spiritual view, the one he subscribes to. As he noted in sermons about Revelation, in recent posts, Christ’s kingdom is spiritual; John 18 describes it that way, thus, the spiritual view seems most appropriate.]
The Trumpets in Revelation – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
What do the trumpets in Revelation stand for? Why are they in the book? How can their teaching be applied today? In this sermon on the trumpets, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches more about these symbols from the book of Revelation. He notes that the trumpets afflict only one-third of their objects. This is contrary to the seals of Revelation, which afflict things as a whole. What do the trumpets represent? They represent what happens to those who persecute God’s people. Many times when people are punished for their sin, it is easy to think that it is all a coincidence, but Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that these calamities in Revelation are sent by God Himself….
C H Spurgeon’s Downgrade Controversy
This post puts discusses responses of 4 well known preachers of the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly regarding their stance against modernism and pragmatism, or to state it differently, the encroachment of worldliness and false teaching upon the church. The purpose of this post is to prepare listeners for the next post from MLJ’s series on Great Biblical Doctrines, wherein he is providing a further look at the book of Revelation. The section he discusses dealt with God’s judgment upon unregenerate men who persecuted His church. This post looks at movements since the late 1800’s wherein men from the church (unregenerate?) were bringing in worldly METHODOLOGY that carried with it worldliness and spawned false doctrines. Movements in the church today, side B Christianity; wokeness, White privilege… derive from the corruption that occurred earlier in the church. The corruption that Spurgeon, Machen, MacArthur and Sproul stood against.
The Suffering and Safety of the Redeemed – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Symbolism is a regular part of life. Symbolism and pictures are used in language every day in order to help people better understand what they are trying to say. In this sermon titled “The Suffering and the Safety of the Redeemed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener better understand symbolism and the general themes of Revelation. This type of poetic language is everywhere in the book of Revelation, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand. Many of the symbols in this book are repeated, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that this is a type of parallelism. He sees the book as divided into two main divisions with various subsections….
“Stricken Smitten and Afflicted” by Fernando Ortega
I love this song because its lyrics contain much doctrine that helps me to consider Jesus’ sacrifice for me (and you). This is a great example of spiritually edifying Christian music. Fernando Ortega’s version is beautiful. I posted the song previously, that version was sung by Pastor Brian Cochran while he played guitar. That post was directed at personal psalm / hymn singing before reading the Bible.
What is the One True Church? [It is not the Roman Catholic Church]
Mike Gendron explains from scripture how it is that the Roman Catholic Church is not the one true church. It has changed much from the first century church by adding many teachings…. Between Gendron’s teaching and his speaking times and resources, I linked two posts from this blog that speak of the conversions of two former Roman Catholics.
Daniel 9 and the Secret Rapture (Remastered) – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
In this sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Daniel 9 as a passage frequently used in the discussion of the end-times, yet the language it employs is often mysterious and open to debate over its meaning…. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also provides a commentary on a topic that has been steadily gaining traction in evangelical circles: the rapture of Christians. He posits that many people are surprised to learn that this theological idea is not commonly found until after the 1800s. How should Christians approach this topic? Listen to this sermon as Dr. Lloyd-Jones provides an alternative view of Daniel 9, and a biblical foundation for understanding the idea of an end-times rapture of the global church.