In the 18-minute video of this post, Pastor Patrick Hines explains two fallacies that undermine the worldviews of people who go around saying, “the science says;” and those who subscribe to the theory of evolution. By knowing the contents of this video, Christians can also gain some understanding into how it is that one’s presuppositions form the basis for his worldview and one’s worldview determines how one explains the world around him.
Category: Doctrine / Theology
The Parable of the Great Supper (Luke 14:15-24) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul
Jesus told a parable of a great banquet. Although many guests were invited, they began making excuses once the feast drew near. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his series in the gospel of Luke, urging us to examine where we stand regarding the Lord’s ultimate invitation. [Sermon highlights are also provided for those who would rather read than listen]
What is the Westminster Confession of Faith?
This post contains the first video from Dr John Gerstner’s series on the Westminster Confession of Faith. The purpose of this post is to introduce Christians to confessions and their purpose in the Christian life. Dr Gerstner reads through chapter 1 of the WCF and briefly explains the purpose of the writers and how a student of the Bible can benefit from using this confession in Bible study. Links are provided to various confessions
Articulating a Biblical Worldview: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones
The video in this post is part 10 of a 12-part series by Dr Jones, Only Two Religions. The series is from his book by that title. Oneism is a descriptor of pantheistic religions, Paganism; and Twoism, is the term he uses to describe Christianity, which is unique among the religions of the world. The book is about how to live a Christian life in a world dominated by ‘oneism’ worship and practices. He wrote the book because there is a return to Paganism in the western world, as seen in the homosexual and trans movements and more. This lecture is about worldview, particularly, how the Christian worldview differs from the other. Also how the apostle Paul dealt with oneism in his day, as seen in Romans 1. The aim of this post is to help Christians know how to witness Christ in this culture. [My long series on Paganism is base on his book, see CATEGORIES, Paganism]
Galatians 5:17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit….
Learning to walk in the Spirit is absolutely essential if you would please God and make it into heaven. I am not satisfied with my own comprehension of such verses found in Paul’s epistles. These verses specifically identify a problem that occurs throughout scripture in that God calls us to repent and obey, and we want to rule our own lives and follow our own inclinations…. Seeing the problem clearly in your own walk is the first step in rectifying it. Exhortations that hold out the solution are found in the epistles and generally in scripture; that would be submitting to the Spirit’s guidance out of a love of God; using God’s appointed means, the armor He has given us with which to fight the fight of faith. But to use God’s appointed means of prayer and scripture reading, e.g., when we are bent on pleasure seeking to fulfill the inclinations/lusts of our heart, is impossible….
Hell, Part 1, Dr John Gerstner
Many people deny the existence of the afterlife, especially the existence of hell. In this series, Dr. Gerstner reminds us of the biblical truth: hell and heaven are real, and how we live today has eternal consequences. Drawing from the writing and preaching of Jonathan Edwards, he considers the terrors of hell, the treasures of heaven, and the reality that all of us will one day come face to face with God.
Reformed Church in America splits….
This post contains an article by Religion News Service on the split of the Reformed Church in America. I am posting it because it is an ominous marker, a concrete sign that can be seen and measured, regarding the decline of the biblical church in America. This organization split over LGBTQ issues. Those more concerned with following the Bible than with being socially acceptable, broke away, forming a new denomination.
The False Ministries of Steven Furtick and T. D. Jakes Critiqued
This post contains a 10-minute John Henry video that displays the ministries of several well-known false preachers that are critiqued by Paul Washer, Todd Friel, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham and Justin Peters. There are also statistics that compare the huge number of people following false preachers with the very small number of people following biblical teachers.
The Fall of Man, Sin, Punishment — John Gerstner from The Westminster Confession of Faith
This post conveys what the Bible says about the fall of mankind, sin and punishment. The six points from this portion of the Westminster Confession of Faith are the basis of a video featuring professor John Gerstner; also, the six points are in narrative from a modern version of the WCF. I plan on posting a wonderful sermon by C H Spurgeon on sin, later this week. The initial 10 minutes or so of his sermon were about sin, as defined in the Bible; then he went into how sin is often wrongly dealt with in real life by Christian professors. He also emphasized that one must learn to face sin, confess it…. His sermon was one of the best I have heard on the topic and this should prepare readers, who want to deal with sin, to receive what Spurgeon preaches.