The two very brief videos in this post provide foundational instructions on battling sin from the works of John Owen. Pastor Mayfield explained that God wants Christians to sin less; that all Christians sin; that a Christian must seek God’s help via prayer to successfully fight sin…. The contents of these videos necessary building blocks for a Christian walk. These two videos are from a 17-part series, but stand alone. New and old Christians alike can benefit from what Pastor Mayfield explains because such things are not typically part of the Sunday church service….
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Proverbs 5:22 The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him…. [Explained from Commentaries]
The two verses looked at in this post are some of the most frightening in the Bible. They are about those people who think they are getting away with sinning. These not only apply to the believer who is backsliding, but to those marauders who are doing smash and grabs; to those manipulators cheating to win elections; those malevolent globalists creating vaccines to harm others and rid the earth of them, or who are orchestrating famines to accomplish that end… but they are God’s words to all who think they can get away with sinning: the act of sin carries its own punishment. [I reviewed these for my own edification, as my attitude towards some sins is not yet biblical; hopefully, others will find this post worthy of contemplating.]
Sanctification – R C Sproul
R C’s 24-minute lecture provides a thorough understanding of ‘sanctification.’ Biblical doctrines, such as sanctification, should be understood by Christians so they are able to think about their walk of faith by examining the various aspects of it from a biblical perspective. R C used a graph to show how sanctification occurs in a Christian’s life. During his lecture, R C also briefly discussed several other doctrines, such as ‘imputation,’ ‘justification,’ etc. Those terms are defined below the video for Christians who aren’t clear about their meanings.
How can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit? – Got Questions Ministries
The following 4-minute video answers the Question: How Can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? He explains the difference between ‘indwelling’ and ‘filling’ by the Holy Spirit, and provides verses that support his explanation. The verses he mentions are plugged in below the video; you can pause the video or slow it down and read as he speaks.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism [a reading]
This post contains a reading of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. “The purpose of the Shorter Catechism is to educate children and others “of weaker capacity” (according to a preface written by the Church of Scotland) in the Reformed faith. It is based on the Larger Catechism, which was intended for use by ministers as they taught the faith to their congregations in preaching. The Catechism is in a question and answer format, which had been popularized by Martin Luther as a way to help children learn the meaning of the material, rather than simply memorizing the Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, and Apostles’ Creed as had been the practice prior to the Reformation.”
Taylor Swift, Pink, Demi Lovato and the Divine Feminine
Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and P!nk have come out with different songs denigrating – even mocking – those who believe the Bible concerning many of the most vital issues of conscience. We take a look at the esoteric leanings and ultimately the source for the modern feminist movement by the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and other theosophical practitioners who have pushed what can be described only as The Divine Feminine. [Video summary from site]
Proclaiming the Gospel – Mike Gendron Newsletter August 2023
This month, Mike talks about the following points: Deceived and Defiant Against the Gospel; Self-Conceit Leads to Self-Deceit; Religious Arrogance Blinds People; Deceitful Indoctrination Creates Pride; Catholic Responses to the Gospel; God’s Grace Is Greater than Man’s Defiance; Discerning Truth in a World of Deception; Catholics Hear Mary Talking Through a Statue; Plenary Indulgence for Aquinas Jubilee; Letters to the editor and more.
“The Truth of God’s Word Vs. the Lies of Wokeism” Romans 1:18-32
The Truth of God’s Word Vs. the Lies of Wokeism Romans 1:18-32. In the video of this post, Pastor Edwards defined ‘wokeism,’ he also provided an excellent overview of what is happening in our culture, the war between truth and lies. He described the various types of God’s judgments that have been unfolding via cultural events for the past half century. He also identified pastors who are receiving woke doctrines into their churches and clarified that false teachers are part of God’s judgments on us. Furthermore, he talked of social media influences such as Tic Toc and how those negatively influence children that are not monitored by knowledgeable parents. Specific scriptures are part of the printed sermon highlights
Psalm 37 reading by John MacArthur from the Legacy Standard Bible
This is the final post on Psalm 37 this week. Numerous other aspects of the Psalm were covered in the three preceding posts: Commentary by Matthew Henry on Ps. 37:1-6; an explanation of verse 4 about what it means to ‘delight’ in the Lord; and a critique of Oprah’s definition of Ps. 37:4 by John Piper.
Before he reads Psalm 37, Pastor MacArthur explains some things about the LSB that may interest Bible reading Christians. [Also, if you use e-Sword free Bible software, you may download an electronic copy of the LSB for a small fee.]