Unity of Old and New Testaments [Part 2]

The purpose of this series is to show that Bible covenants cause the Old and New Testaments to have unity. The Old and New Testaments, are the revelation of One God to a people He is calling out of this world. One can easily see the truth of that statement if he/she looks at God’s plan of redemption via the covenants He entered into with mankind in order to restore him, to redeem him. Excerpts from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion will be used to support my purpose statement.

Evangelicalism is under attack – Rosaria Butterfield

There are two short videos below, the first is an excerpt of a conversation wherein Rosaria Butterfield is being interviewed about LGBTQ, the trans movement in general and the response of evangelicalism to it. In the process, schooling and other relevant aspects of society are called into question. During her discussion, she mentioned the terms, ‘creation ordinance.’ The second video explains that concept because it is very relevant. [There are highlight points for each video]

Poverty of Spirit – Matthew 5:3 – a definition

This post contains one commentary explanation of poverty of spirit from Matthew 5:3; it also contains a brief excerpt from two other posts about Jonathan Edwards, the excerpts are extremely relevant to the Matthew 5:3. One of those posts gave glimpses into his struggle for obedience; the other into his analysis of what constituted a truly born again person as opposed to a false convert.

The Counterfeit Church – Wide is the Gate – Caryl Matrisciana

The late Caryl Matrisciana herein contrasts the new type of “Christianity,” that emphasizes experience, emotions…, that incorporates eastern spirituality, yoga, meditation… with biblical Christianity; in the process, she reveals the lies that are pulling people away from God’s word into man-made spirituality, such that you will be able to see them if they are present in your world-view. A path back to orthodoxy is explained.

What is effectual calling? – Got Questions Ministries

My purpose in posting this article is to explain the concept of effectual calling, as it occurs often in the scriptures. And those who only read bits and pieces of scripture usually don’t understand such terms. Effectual calling occurs early in the process of salvation. Understanding such doctrines is important to having a fuller comprehension of the Christian life: how one is saved; what God is doing in the life….

John MacArthur calls The Chosen Unbiblical — Pastor Michael Grant

This post contains two videos by Pastor Michael Grant. The first, a 2-minute video featuring Pastor John MacArthur, stating why MacArthur rejects The Chosen; the second video spends 14 minutes on Dallas Jenkins statements that the Mormons with which he affiliates while making The Chosen, believe in and love the same Jesus he does. The 6-minute video on Mormonism that concludes the video undoubtedly proves that Mormonism does NOT worship the same Jesus as evangelical Protestantism. In fact, no other heretic or false preacher that is reported on in this blog comes close to the extremely unbiblical Jesus of the Mormons. Please watch that last 6 minutes of the second video to see for yourself.

Voddie Baucham calls out Mega-church pastors by name

The video of this post is from the YouTube site: Mike (Joyful Exile). Mike uses sermon excerpts of Pastor Voddie Baucham confronting the false teachings of the following counterfeit pastors: Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, Kenneth Copeland, Rick Warren, Bill Johnson, and Gino Jennings. Video imagery of Joyce Meyer and Oprah are shown in the process of this expose’ of false teachers and ministries [a chart that contrasts God-centered and man-centered worship concludes this post, as this post is largely about man-centered worship and a Christian needs to be able to identify that]

BIBLICAL SERMON ILLUSTRATED: Pastor Voddie Baucham – The World the Devil and the Flesh

I recently received a question from a reader who was confused about how to discern biblical from un-biblical preaching / preachers. This post aims at helping such readers. Seasoned Christians who believe in the doctrines that come from the Protestant Reformation, know that Dr. Voddie Baucham is a great preacher. Nate Sala, the creator of this video looks carefully at Baucham’s sermon to show just why that is so. Listeners will gain in two ways from hearing the video of this post: they will hear a biblically sound sermon and get some insight into Baucham’s purposes (and the purposes of biblical preachers); furthermore, they will get a 3-point tool by which they can measure preaching they hear, at their church and elsewhere.

How the moral law leads believers to Christ – Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion excerpt

The purpose of this post is to use the writings of John Calvin, who thoroughly understood scripture, to show why God gave the law through Moses. The goal in that is to show Christians that it is impossible to get into heaven by obeying the law. The law, as in Romans 3, was merely given to show us that we are helpless to obey it. We must rest in the righteousness that Christ earned by obeying the law during His earthly ministry. The book of Galatians and the initial 5+ chapters of Romans say just that. So, every Christian MUST learn how to submit to the Holy Spirit and quit working to earn merit before God….

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