Morning and Evening February 19 by C H Spurgeon

This post contains Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening thoughts devotionals for Feb. 19: The morning verse is from Ezekiel, I think it is the most explicit verse in the Bible about God requiring His children to pray if their needs will be met by Him…. The evening thoughts are about Andrew first telling Peter when he had found the Messiah; Spurgeon applied that to witnessing the gospel to those nearest first….

Homosexuality – Transgenderism – Inclusivity – Lies Surrounding These – Rosaria Butterfield

The purpose of this post is to provide an informed opinion on the events of the past week, via Rosaria Butterfield. She is a former lesbian and professor of Queer studies at Syracuse U; she was born again after reading through the Bible several times to write against it. She says a bit about her past in the 1st of three 5-minute videos. Each video deals with one of the terms of the title of this post, and more about her bio is given in the introduction of the post.

Encountering God: Fear and Trembling – R.C. Sproul

This post contains an R C Sproul teaching video that I had used as part of another post. I am posting it by itself because it will likely be missed by those who had no interest in learning about ‘The Nearness,’ a new movement for those who consider themselves, ‘spiritual but not religious.’ Sproul’s message talks about something all church goers have likely experienced but possibly haven’t thought much about or could not define, the experience one has as he enters into the building of the church and leaves behind the secular world and mindset. If you have never had such an experience, then Sproul’s lecture is a must for you to hear. It is part of a 6-part teaching, but stands alone. The series is linked for those who might want to know more. Lecture highlights are set in bullet points before the video.

Prison Ministry of John MacArthur – Reaching The Lost When They’ve Hit Bottom

The title of this post does not mean that all prisoners have hit bottom, many will get released and continue in a life of crime; but MacArthur’s church ministry makes literature and ministry available for those who realize they are at a very low point in their lives. Part of the discussion focuses on the need of Christians to be able to present the biblical gospel message of hope to people, also non-prisoners, who are in dire need of it. In these days of mass deception (as evidenced in recent posts herein on the Covid 19 vax), and rapid moral disintegration of our world, everyone needs to be ready to meet God. Christians need to be able to witness Christ and His gospel message to lost family members and neighbors….

3 Dog Night Chuck Negron

The following 3 minute video tells about 3 Dog Night lead singer, Chuck Negron’s fall from Stardom to living on the street because of heroine addiction. 
He was freed from the actual torment of his addiction by God in answer to specific prayer.

Doreen Virtue’s Conversion Testimony From The New Age To Christianity

In January 2015, Doreen Virtue was listening to her car radio and heard a sermon by Pastor Alistair Begg about false prophets. Doreen recognized that she matched the description of a false prophet, and she began going to church. In early 2017, she began studying the Bible. When she read Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which lists the sinful activities of the new age, Doreen repented and gave her life to our Lord and Savior Jesus.

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