Book Review: ‘Black Eye for America’: An Explanation of Critical Race Theory – Epoch Times

…CRT holds that a capitalist society sustains itself, in part, by imparting a “false consciousness” on workers to legitimize the social hierarchy and to reduce the likelihood of revolutionary action. The supposed harmful aspects of “whiteness” include individualism, self-reliance, two-parent homes, rational thinking, and a belief that hard work pays off. Members of minority groups must reject these white concepts even if these habits and activities promote community cohesion and individual well-being. As a consequence, CRT in schools teaches self-hate to white children and demeans children of color by denying them ownership of and control over their own lives. Racism is no longer defined as hating, demeaning, or devaluing others based on their race. Instead, all whites who do not support the ideas of CRT are considered racist by virtue of having “white” values.

The Ignoble Lie – Epoch Times Commentary by Victor Davis Hanson

[Hanson makes his point by critiquing the lies of eleven government leaders] …Fauci was hiding his own culpability, or he believed the American people might not be able to fully accept that some of their own health officials were promoting the sort of research that was partially responsible for more than 700,000 American deaths. …Apparently, Mayorkas believes the public would go ballistic or his own administration would be roundly despised, if he told the bitter truth about the border: by intent, the Biden administration has apparently deliberately left it wide open. …James Comey lied under oath on multiple occasions in congressional cross-examinations and claimed he did not know or could not remember basic facts about his own role in promoting the Russian collusion hoax. [Several other leaders are critiqued by Hanson as he exposes commonly known lies – commonly known to those who follow real news sources]

Agenda Weekly October 23 By Curtis Bowers

Curtis Bowers answered questions from listeners that included the following topics. What is wrong with the United Nations, should we withdraw?; Questioner asked who pays the most taxes: Top 1% pay 40%; the next 9% of population with the top 1% together pay 70% of total federal tax; the next 29% pay the balance; 61% pay NO taxes; the top 1% includes those who earn $540 thousand and up; A questioner asked about “camps” being set up in the US, Curtis answered the question without elaborating on what camps she was referring to but I got the impression it was camps that would be occupied by those who dissent from the narrative of the left, as in China

Health Care Workers Speak Out on Why They Would Rather Lose Their Jobs Than Take a COVID-19 Vaccine – Epoch Times

“Health care workers are not taking it because they know that the side effects are real. In urgent care, I have seen myocarditis, cellulitis, [and] unusual neurological symptoms, among a variety of other side effects. I have seen people very ill post-vaccine, and then go on to test positive. The positivity rate for contracting COVID on the vaccinated is very high per the recent studies and what I am seeing in my clinic. A vaccine should work, and it is not working. It should be tested for years on something other than humans before we call it ‘safe and effective.’ There have been over 15,000 deaths from the vaccine that the media is not talking about. I will never take that risk on myself,” Zubiate said. …“I have a master’s degree in nursing and am employed as a professor of nursing research and evidence-based practice. I am skilled in collecting and analyzing data and in drawing conclusions. I did not rely on the media, government, or Big Tech for any of my health care decisions prior to COVID-19 and I have no plans to change course.

Agenda Weekly Brief – October 3-9 By Curtis Bowers: The Covid Conspiracy

In this issue of Agenda Weekly with Curtis Bowers, he spoke on the Covid conspiracy, using video clips of key players in the scam. Included are two other features of this weeks issue, a Tucker Carlson video about the DOJ being weaponized against parents; and a medical conference wherein Covid related matters were discussed. I also copied and pasted pare of Bowers’ blog which is part of his weekly message.

Oregon Senators Call for Investigation Into Alleged COVID-19 Statistical Manipulation – Epoch Times

…The lawmakers stated that a whistleblower, under sworn testimony, said the data reported under the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System may have been underreported by a factor of five. Regarding the diagnosis of COVID-19 through widely-used PCR tests, the senators said that the CDC and the FDA’s setting of one particular test parameter—the cycle threshold—generated “false positives resulting in inflated numbers of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.” …“Additionally, we are profoundly concerned that the scientific literature continues to provide empirical evidence that safe and effective treatments and management strategies for COVID infections exist but are not being made available to Americans most in need,” continued the letter.

California Parents Blast School Boards for Linking Criticism of CRT With Domestic Terrorism – Epoch Times

The National School Boards Association (NSBA), which denies CRT is being taught in K-12 schools, in a Sept. 29 letter (pdf) said parents at local school board meetings opposed to CRT and mask mandates are contributing to a “growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation” and asked President Joe Biden’s administration to address the issue. The NSBA letter states: “As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice: For CRT And Against Concerned Parents

Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice* have indicated that they will be employing the FBI to prosecute parents who are concerned with the teaching of critical race theory in their children’s schools. The constitutional rights of free speech and protest are being ignored and a strange new law of the current administration seems to take precedence over what was established constitutional law. This shouldn’t surprise you: this is what happens in the midst of a radical revolution.

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