This post contains two short videos about J Gresham Machen; the first is on his book Christianity and Liberalism. Therein, Stephen Nichols explains the controversy which led Machen to write his book. In the course of his explanation, Nichols provided basic teaching on modernism, liberalism, the Scopes monkey trial, and Christian fundamentalism…. If you know nothing of these things, you should hear this video because it will give you insight into origins of current struggles in the church. The second video, 7-minutes, is an answer to a question submitted to Ligonier Ministries. This video is also on Machen but is more of an overview and covers different things.
Category: Covenant / Reformed Theology
Bible covenants
What is the Westminster Confession of Faith?
This post contains the first video from Dr John Gerstner’s series on the Westminster Confession of Faith. The purpose of this post is to introduce Christians to confessions and their purpose in the Christian life. Dr Gerstner reads through chapter 1 of the WCF and briefly explains the purpose of the writers and how a student of the Bible can benefit from using this confession in Bible study. Links are provided to various confessions
End Times Fiction With Gary Demar – Apologia Studios [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 6]
In the following 9-minute video, Dr. Gary Demar explains the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, in terms of the context and time of application. The following explanation of the Olivet Discourse is from Got The Olivet Discourse is the name given to the orderly and extended teaching given by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives. His subject is the end times. This discourse is recorded in Matthew 24:1 – 25:46. Parallel passages are found in Mark 13:1-37 and Luke 21:5-36. The record in Matthew is the most extensive, so reference here will be to Matthew’s Gospel, linked at the end of post.
The Rapture And Postmillennialism Explained | with Jeff Durbin [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 5]
In this post are 3 videos; the first is an excerpt of Pastor Durbin explaining how he came to hold the post-mill view. Therein, he discusses the Olivet Discourse. He stated that RC Sproul’s book, The Last Days According to Jesus, helped him develop his eschatological view – Sproul is also post-mill. The second video is a 7-minute conversion testimony by Pastor Durbin, formerly, he was a celebrated practitioner of martial arts and an ecstasy addict – the video provides much hope for addicts of all kinds, regarding how Jesus delivers. The third video is a longer version of how he came to Christ and about the ministry work in which he is involved.
Dispensationalism, History And Theology By Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation And Eschatology Part 1]
This post contains a sermon by Pastor Patrick Hines on the history of dispensationalism. In the process of explaining that, he addresses the pre-millennial and a-millennial views of end times. That is the chief reason I am blogging his message. The next post in this mini series will be about covenant theology, which is about the history of redemption as viewed by way of Bible covenants. That theology undermines dispensationalist’s views about end times and about how God dispensed salvation to Israel and the church; as covenant theology believes that Israel was the church from the beginning, via Abraham.