Beth Moore: is she apostatizing?

In the following 7 minute video, vlogger Polite Leader, looks at Moore’s ministry from its inception, noting that it becoming more unbiblical. He provides numerous clear examples to illustrate this trend. The opening statements reveal her rebelliousness, and clearly indicate that she is not a teacher that is concerned with glorifying God.

As you read your Bible, consider how it describes such teachers / preachers; and their version of truth.



Note: A major purpose of this blog is to show biblical and unbiblical preachers and teachers. There are many examples of each.

How can you know if my posts are accurate? You must read God’s word. As you become more familiar with scripture, and the eternal nature of God’s truth, then you will begin to see that preachers and teachers that stray from the old path to righteousness laid down by God in His word, are false and must be avoided for the sake of you own soul.