Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson explains Revelation 12 and 13; the forces against Christians and the church today; and the number 666
Author: Michael A
Are You Envious Of The Ease and Comfort Of The Wicked? A Street Preacher On Psalm 73
Street preacher, Joe Kirby, provided an encouraging message based on Psalm 73, Asaph’s brief struggle of envying the wicked
‘Great Reset’ in Davos at the forefront of a ‘great deception’ in the free world: SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA
Sky News host Rowan Dean explained the “Great Reset” and why people who value their freedom and property should oppose it!
The World Economic Forum plan to RESET economy away from capitalism after COVID-19
Glenn Beck discussed the world economic forum and defined the “Great Reset”
Stop The Steal Protest Rallies For Trump and Election Integrity
Stop The Steal Rallies Are Presently Trending On The Web: Listen to Americans Express Themselves Without Burning Any Buildings….
Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life, Meditation: Part 5
This post focuses on the concept of Christian meditation from Dr. Donald S. Whitney’s book: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Why Are Trump Supporters Disillusioned? John Anderson and Victor Davis Hanson
John Anderson interview with Victor Davis Hanson regarding the 2020 election (13 minute excerpt)
Fox News Is Aligning With Fake News Mainstream Media
Two Glenn Beck excerpts discuss the fall of Fox News and the list of conservatives being compiled by mainstream Leftist Marxist Sympathizers
Voting Irregularities In Five States Catalogued, From Blaze TV
Voting Irregularities that occurred in five states, during the 2020 election, are noted for your consideration
Deceiving and Being Deceived: The Church, by Madeline Crabb
Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.