When God Sends Mass Delusion, Dr. John MacArthur

This post contains two brief videos: a John MacArthur 4 minute sermon excerpt on 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11 on God sending delusion and why that occurs; and a 6 minute video that shows that the following phenomena, that are occuring in the church, also occur in occult meetings: uncontrollable laughter; involuntary jerking and shaking; drunkenness; transfer of power, and an invisible force. I believe that the second video is a fine example of God sending delusion to those who will not believe His truth.

Slain In The Spirit, A Biblical Critique By Andreas

The 6 minute video in this post is from Andreas Wiget’s YouTube site; he used the following words to describe it: Is “slain in the spirit” biblical? A quote by Costi Hinn (nephew of Benny Hinn) created heat on my Facebook page. This is a response to some of the arguments. [Andreas cited and explained several scriptural passages to undermine the modern idea of being slain in the Spirit.]

Can One Be Both Christian And Marxist? NO!

The purpose of this post is to confront those Christians who are of the opinion that they can be Marxists and Christians; that is not possible.  The following two very brief videos provide instruction in logic that the human rational mind uses every day; although most do not notice the processes happening.  The same topic, described by two different teachers in two different settings should help readers understand why a person cannot simultaneously be an atheist and a theist – cannot be both a Marxist and a Christian. 

Social Justice Is Marxism, Voddie Baucham

In the following 4 minute video, Dr. Baucham clarifies what social justice is by quoting a definition from the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language; he afterwards explained the difference between SJ and biblical justice.  SJ focuses on distributive justice among groups of people; biblical justice is about the conduct of the individual in reference to God’s law. 

How Do We Identify The Antichrist? Dr. John MacArthur

The 5 minute sermon excerpt in this post is from a 6 part sermon series Dr. MacArthur did on 2 Thessalonians 2. MacArthur describes the man of lawlessness as the culmination of those who hate God and Christ – all false Christs, pseudo Christs, false teachers, false prophets; all hypocritical liars who claim to be spokespersons for God, but who actually speak for satan; all of them are embodied in this one horrific figure known as the AntiChrist….

Psalm 119:45 I Will Walk At Liberty, For I Seek Thy Precepts: Vignette On Liberty, Part 3

The following picture of ‘liberty’ painted by the author has to do with the intentions of the heart, or the will. Add this to the other parts already posted and you will have a more complete biblical understanding of this important concept of ‘liberty.’ As you go through your days, observe yourself to see how you have come to define ‘liberty.’ Your own definition will be apparent in your conduct; that is, for example, if you find yourself in opposition to God, then you have undoubtedly clung to a secular definition of this important term. If you desire to progress in sanctification, then that will need to change, the author provides some important information to facilitate submission and obedience, the path of change.

Is The Covid Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast?

This post contains an 11 minute video which answers the following questions: First, all vaccines are a matter of personal conscience; second, my employer makes getting the vaccine a condition of employment; third, is the vaccine the mark of the beast? Conclusion, remember to love your brethren. Thereafter, Revelation 13 in 4 different Bible versions, is pasted in for those who would like to hear the chapter that contains the statements about the ‘mark.’

Psalm 119:45 I Will Walk At Liberty, For I Seek Thy Precepts: Liberty Further Clarified; Part 2

Liberty is not so much a producing force as a product of other forces. It is not so much a power as it is open space within which other powers work…. There is liberty from the world. Sometimes men are in bondage to the world in this sense, that the mainspring of their life is to stand well with it, to do what their set, their society, the world round about them, wishes them to do…. There is liberty from bad ways — love of the world, drunkenness, gambling, etc. We learn to walk circumspectly; we learn to keep the heart with all diligence…. There is liberty from bad memories…. There is liberty from fear and terror….

Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts [KJV]

As I was reading Psalm 119 this morning, I was moved to read commentaries on verse 45 to get a sense of what the psalmist meant by ‘liberty.’ I thought the information was extremely useful in terms of how the commentators explained the vast difference of being under sin and under righteousness (by grace); that is, liberty from the different perspectives of the worldling and the Christian.  I am finding that the transition between the old lifestyle and the Christian lifestyle is a huge one that takes a lot of rethinking; one aspect of that rethinking is that our word meanings must be in line with God’s words in the Bible. This post, therefore, provides a biblical definition of ‘liberty’ and much more.

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