Aleister Crowley’s Social Agenda Is Being Finalized: Paganism, Part 35

Crowley’s social goals are stated below, along with a very brief video re-introduction to him and his agenda, such that readers might correctly interpret current evidence of the progress of his campaign that originated at the beginning of the 20th century.

The following points are a brief overview of Aleister Crowley’s goals aimed at changing culture and religion:

  • To usher in the New Age of the AntiChrist via:
  • The drug revolution
  • The sexual revolution
  • The synthesis of western occultism with eastern mysticism
  • The rebellion against all authority, especially Christianity
  • The establishment of a new world order.

The initial 34 posts of this series on Paganism noted that others aided in driving Crowley’s agenda: Carl Jung was a major player regarding the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s; others are indicated in the second brief video below.

Please listen to at least the first 3 minutes of the following video, as it provides a succinct characterization of Crowley:



Before we move on, did you hear the vlogger say that Crowley had sacrificed 100s of children; the third video closes with current references to that topic.

The following 6 minute video is also by Good Fight Ministries and focuses on socially significant men who were instrumental in the 1960s and thereafter regarding bringing about Crowley’s social agenda: Robert Anton Wilson; Timothy Leary; Harry Hay; Alfred Kinsey; Kenneth Anger; and Anton Lavey (he forgot to mention psychologist / occultist, Carl Jung whose psychological wellness therapy included sexual promiscuity).



Did you note that followers of Crowley partake in the same vile activities he practiced?

You will see that again in the following video, although those people don’t claim to be his followers, they are partaking in the same lifestyle.

Social conditioning??? Spirit of Antichrist??? Demonic spirit possession???

The events cataloged in the following 16 minute video are from 2010 to date. As these events are explained, viewers should easily see that Crowley’s satanic vision is unfolding all around us.

Could it be said that some of the people mentioned in the following video, have unwittingly taken up the roles of leadership in carrying forward Crowley’s agenda?

Consider that as you view.




YouTube has many posts on Crowley and his spheres of influence: mysticism; yoga; meditation; occultism; satanism; child sacrifice…. Some vloggers speak about Bible prophecy in connection with all the above because in the end times, Christianity will be greatly opposed by the majority of societies.

As these things unfold, opposition to Christianity is growing rapidly.

This series on Paganism also covers progressive politics, the one-world movement, communism, socialism, feminism, witchcraft, abortion…all of which oppose Christianity while they align with the pagan system Crowley advanced.

Many of these topics are addressed in a more scholarly manner in Dr. Peter Jones’ book, The Other Worldview, Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat,  foreword by R. C. Sproul.