AGENDA WEEKLY Support Videos [excluded in last post]

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AGENDA WEEKLY Featured Videos

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Watch: World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document (93 minutes). This incredible video was made in April 2021, and exposes Johns Hopkins University’s role in planning the “pandemic.” This video explains the 3-year script that has and will continue to play out until the end of 2023. Note: Click the photo or link above to watch.

Watch: Fact Checkers Try to Cover Evidence Thousands of Athletes Collapse From Heart Attacks After Vaccine (7 minutes). Mainstream media continues to deny and cover up overwhelming evidence of thousands of athletes who have collapsed from heart attacks after vaccine.

Watch: Pfizer Exposed For Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via ‘Directed Evolution’ (9 minutes). An undercover Project Veritas reporter exposed a Pfizer director revealing the company’s plan to profit from Covid vaccines.


Watch: Blood Money With Ex-BlackRock Manager Ed Dowd ‘A dystopian nightmare’ (60 minutes). Ed Dowd, ex-BlackRock manager, demystifies and debunks the epidemic of sudden deaths in healthy populations. Note: Click the photo or link above to watch.

Watch: Everest Romeny´s mom talks about his Covid19-Vaccine-Injury (7 minutes). Hear what happened when her athletic son took the vaccine. Note: Click the photo or link above to watch.

Articles of the Week

Read: I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do? by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts. “There is a great deal that each one of us can do to stop Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). In a highly leveraged financial system such as we have, a single individual counts for a lot.”

Read: Parents, It’s Time to Get Your Child Off of Social Media by Dan Hart. “At the end of the day, why take the risk of giving your child a smartphone, with all the related baggage of constant worry and stress about what they are being exposed to?” 

Read: Winning the All-Out War Against America’s Children by David Kupelian. “Why, in today’s America, are so many adults destroying children in a dizzying variety of ways?”

Read: The Manic Methods of Mad Democrats by Victor Davis Hanson. “We are faced with a revolutionary party well known from history that aims to change the nation into something unrecognizable by most Americans—and it feels that it has created the means to do it.”

Read: Fourth Turning Meets Mass Formation Psychosis by The Burning Platform. “We still have an enormous percentage of the U.S. and global population trapped in a mass formation psychosis trance and unable or unwilling to regain their common sense and ability to comprehend they have been duped, used, lied to, and sacrificed at the altar of the Great Reset.”

Read: A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion – Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status by Brandon Smith. “The dollar is just another stepping stone towards the globalists’ goal of a one-world economy and a one-world currency. They have killed the world reserve status of other currencies in the past, why wouldn’t they do the same to the dollar?”

Prayer and Action

Please pray that more facts will come out regarding the dangers of the Covid shot. Pray that those responsible for pushing it will be brought to justice.

Pray for those who have been vaccinated, that God will allow them to hear facts and to understand the deadliness of the Covid shot. Pray that this reality would draw them to Christ.

Pray for courage and open doors to lovingly share truth with all those in your circle of influence. Pray that as you educate people about the evil intent and dangers associated with the shot, you will be faithful to share the good news of the gospel with them. (With all the evil going on in the world right now, it is a great time to be a Christian and converse with people who are in desperate need of hope.)

Pray that more Americans and elected officials will wake up to the corrupt intent of the Ukraine war. Pray they will understand that globalists are purposefully sacrificing the people in Ukraine for a political sideshow and money laundering. In less than one year, over 100,000 lives have been lost, which is more than twice the amount of boys America lost in the 12 years of the Vietnam War. Pray for innocent Ukrainian and Russian civilians who are suffering as a result of this war.

Pray for AGENDA Weekly subscribers to have God’s blessing, direction, and protection in the days ahead.

Ed. Note: The World Health Organization (WHO) is working to implement a global pandemic treaty, along with dangerous amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) that would further enable Covid medical tyranny and promote a one-world government. Ask your elected officials to support the “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act,” (H.R. 343), recently reintroduced by U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX). Find your members of Congress here, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Memory verse of the week: Mark 10:27, “And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“Thank-you again for providing great content and a guide for the rest of us to follow through these dark times.” – Jonathan

Stories and Questions

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