7 New Age Deceptions infiltrating the Church and deceiving some Christians – Doreen Virtue

7 New Age Deceptions infiltrating the Church and deceiving some Christians

Video-page link:  https://www.youtube.com/@Doreen_Virtue/videos

Playlist-page link:  https://www.youtube.com/@Doreen_Virtue/playlists

From the YouTube site, Doreen Virtue

The points that Doreen Virtue makes in the following video all fall under the broad category of SYNCRETISM. That is the blending of the true biblical religion with other things, Paganism, CRT, Yoga, the traditions of the “Desert Fathers,” and on and on.

Syncretism is not acceptable to God regardless of how many trendy, powerful pastors act like it is. If you do not read the Bible, then you may never know that you are being seduced onto the broad road of destruction.

Even if you are a student of the Bible and seek to live in accord with it, you will be in for a great struggle as you separate from the worldly influences that have influenced you prior to being born-again.

If you are drinking in heresies, you will never find the ‘narrow way.’  Read what Jesus uttered about that in Matthew 7. In John MacArthur’s sermons on the narrow way…; he pointed out that two things keep a person for arriving on that true path: false teachers and self-deception.

God’s word confronts us with truth which makes the lies we believe stand out so we can see them. Via prayer and struggles, we can learn His truth and turn from the lies we have believed.

Doreen Virtue is certainly helping professed Christians in that direction by her 7 points; she provided links to additional information regarding each of the 7 points.

Highlight points:

  • Mark and avoid Jesus Calling books
  • The book, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, is blasphemous and heretical
  • The book was channeled by Young [given to her by a demonic spirit]
  • In the first edition of Jesus Calling, Young admitted she got the idea from an occult channeled book, God Calling
  • That remark was removed from later printings because Christians complained
  • Virtue pictured 7 other channeled books that should be avoided
  • Jesus Calling paints Jesus as a romantic figure – not biblical
  • Although Young placed a Bible verse on each page, if one actually went to the Bible and compared the verse, passage, with what Young said about Jesus they would see a difference
  • Mark and avoid The Chosen:
  • [Doreen’s discussion of this point begins at the 2 minute 30 second mark. Her argument is the best I have seen, showing very clearly and in only a couple of moments exactly how this show denigrates Jesus]
  • Some churches are even doing Bible studies based on this fictitious TV show
  • Even Dallas Jenkins, the creator of the show said it is 95% NOT biblical
  • Virtue noted that Jenkins twists the 5% that is from the Bible
  • Jenkins emphasizes Jesus’ humanity in The Chosen, de-emphasizing His divinity
  • His goal is to make Jesus more relatable; however, if you know your Bible, then you will not recognize Jenkin’s Jesus
  • For example, Jenkins had his Jesus preparing to give His Sermon on the Mount by rehearsing and asking His disciple Matthew for help formulating his sermon
  • She showed the clip
  • Virtue noted that Jesus is God the Son; and that people need to get their concepts of who He is from scripture. In the process, she stated that viewers are seeing the characters from the chosen when they think of Jesus and His disciples
  • Such subtle deceptions will lead people away from Jesus into grave spiritual danger
  • Mark and avoid all forms of Yoga:
  • Virtue did yoga for over 20 years; she threw away all her yoga mats and paraphernalia after being saved
  • It’s a good idea to do stretches; but yoga cannot be redeemed. That would be like saying that you could redeem a Ouija board by pasting scripture verses on it. In the following post from this blog, Virtue explains how yoga poses mimic false gods: https://sheeplywolves.com/should-christians-practice-yoga-doreen-virtue/
  • Contorting your body to mimic one of the 330 million Hindu deities is idolatry; Hindus will tell you that yoga poses glorify the deities and is therefore worship
  • Mark and avoid the Enneagram:
  • Enneagram pictured; like a personality test; some claim it even helps in their marriage
  • Counterfeit, like Pharaoh’s magicians that were able to mimic some of God’s miracles coming through Moses in Exodus
  • It has no Christian basis, even though some false teachers like Richard Rohr say is came from the Desert Fathers…
  • The nine ennea types were channeled by two occultists, linked below
  • The nine types glorify the self; they do not lead to Jesus
  • Churches should have nothing to do with the enneagram
  • Mark and avoid contemplative practices:
  • Monastic mysticism that derives from the ‘Desert Fathers’
  • A lot of their writings have to do with asceticism, which is NOT a biblical concept although it might seem noble
  • Contemplative systems ask you to empty your mind via repetitive
  • Mark and avoid Lectio Divina – a tool for trying to get a download from the ethers, from God regarding what the passage of scripture is about
  • 1 John 4:1 speaks of “testing the spirits”
  • Also avoid ‘centering prayer,’ ‘breath work,’ and ‘mindfulness’
  • These are a combination of imagination and wishful thinking; also, anything that puts you into a trance
  • [The ‘higher power’ you are supposed to be able to contact in such states are called ‘familiar spirits’ in the Bible. See, CATEGORIES, Yoga. That post explains such things.]
  • Being in a trance state makes one vulnerable to receiving messages from Satan, masquerading as an angel of light
  • Mark and Avoid Deliverance Ministries and Self-Deliverance:
  • Calling in to your church deliverance ministers to cast out demons, as Jesus and His disciples did in the beginning of his ministry, is the epitome of not trusting in the Lord as Proverbs 3:5,6 calls you to do
  • In the New Age, Doreen was obsessed with detoxing, casting out ‘negative entities,’ they weren’t called demons
  • Doreen was involved in ‘spirit releasement therapy’ which is identical to deliverance ministry
  • New Agers were involved in such activities because they didn’t know or trust in God and thought they had to do everything themselves – this is happening now in the professing church
  • In self-deliverance, people say they cast out demons ‘in the name of Jesus’
  • But, demons are evil beings that hate us; why would we want to converse with them? Why would they every listen to us?
  • Other DIY activities such as burning sage, using crystals, or affirmations
  • Jesus promised believers, “I am with you even till the end of time.” Why would we try the above by ourselves?
  • Why not go to our High Priest, who intercedes for us and ask Him to cast out your demon [born-again believers cannot have a demon in them; they have the Holy Spirit]
  • James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
  • No one in the New Testament is recorded doing their own deliverance; after Acts, such deliverance stopped
  • Ephesians 6:10-18 is recorded for us
  • Mark and Avoid False Prophets:
  • In seminary Doreen had to do a research paper on each of the biblical prophets, she noted the following pattern regarding them:
  • One – they were assigned by God. They did not sign up at some supernatural school and pay money to become a prophet
  • [God ‘called’ them to be prophets, usually that is mentioned in their writings early on. Memorable examples of God calling men to do His work are Moses in Exodus 3, the burning bush account; and the apostle Paul, Acts 9, the Damascus-road account. These men did not decide on their own to be God’s ministers]
  • [From the Bible: Jermiah 1:4  Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 5  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations] [Preachers today that pervert scripture that synthesize it with Marxism or Paganism, LGBTQ, were NOT called by God. Such ministers called themselves into ministry. The church is full of them. That is why it is essential to know scripture so you can Mark and Avoid such lying false ministers]
  • Two- true prophets, called by God, are not popular, like the mega pastors of our time. People hated them and they were usually killed by the people they ministered to, see Hebrews 11
  • Three – biblical prophets’ messages were largely to ‘repent and turn back to God’
  • That is, they were charged by God to tell the sinful people to stop sinning
  • [Compare Joel Osteen with Paul Washer; the first tells the people they can get the things they want by speaking them into being; he never talks about sin; the latter spends a lot of time talking about repentance and sin]
  • Modern prophets are nearly identical to Doreen and her friends in the New Age: telling people they were going to prosper and they were born for such a time and other empty things
  • In Deuteronomy 18: 20-22, God sets the parameters for true prophets
  • Every biblical prophet was 100% accurate in their prophesying
  • Doreen described the types of readings she performed
  • We need to be renewing our minds in scripture; when we do, and we hear some false teaching it is like a musician who hears a sour note, recognition that it is wrong is immediate
  • Free audio-Bible download is in the links below
  • Reading the Bible is part of the Armor of God
  • It is a free gift from God that He gave us so that we might know Him and His benefits
  • [According to John Calvin’s commentary on Ephesians, the Armor of God is another name for God’s appointed means of Grace: reading the word; praying; hearing the biblical gospel preached; fellowship with other believers; and taking the Lord’s Supper]

Narrative and links that accompanied Doreen’s video at YouTube:

Aug 2, 2024

The devil masquerades as an angel of light with a feel-good false gospel, and the Bible warns about deceptive teachings infiltrating the church. In this video, former New Age teacher, Doreen Virtue briefly explains the top 7 new age deceptions in the church to avoid.

Related resources:

Here’s the recommended Bible app to download for free right now. The app has an audio feature that allows you to listen to the Bible, with an optional timer. The recommended narrator is David Cochran Heath : ESV Bible IOS Apple https://apps.apple.com/us/app/esv-bib… It’s also in the Google play Android store at https://play.google.com/store/apps/de…

10 reasons Jesus Calling is a false new age channeled book: https://doreenvirtue.com/2021/03/22/s…

“Another Jesus Calling” book by Warren B. Smith: https://www.lighthousetrails.com/disc…

False Christ of The Chosen, Jesus Calling & The Shack – Pastor Chris Quintana    • False Christ of The Chosen, Jesus Cal…  

Facebook discernment support The Chosen: Do Not Be Deceived group is at: https://m.facebook.com/groups/1467776…

The Chosen video excerpts courtesy of Shane Cox from Point2TheWord at    / @point2theword   and https://rumble.com/user/point2theword

Reasons why The Chosen is a dangerous tool of the devil masquerading as entertainment: Https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch….

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Note from Doreen: I have had comments turned off of all my videos since 2009 because I don’t have an assistant or moderator, and my schedule is extremely busy. You can reach me through direct instant messages at   / doreenvirtue   where I personally read and answer messages, albeit slowly because it’s just me without a staff. If I don’t answer right away, please write again and your letter will pop to the top.

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