Heartland Invasion – Steve Cortes

The following video was posted on Agenda Weekly. It is by Steve Cortes and is about the city of Whitewater Wisconsin, the illegal invasion. The town population is 15 thousand and they have received over a thousand illegals.  Cortes interviewed a public official, a landlord, school teachers and others to call attention to the problems that this invasion of illegals has caused this Wisconsin town. Also, he spend an appropriate amount of time discussing how illegals have been the source of increased crime and intimidation of residents. Many are concerned for the safety of their families, and have to move about their community with great care and vigilance to keep from being victims of crime. 

Has America Forgotten God? Agenda Weekly 10-12-24

The message of this week’s video reminded me of a John MacArthur sermon in that Curtis’ assessment of the ills of America were shown to be consequences of our turning from God to trust in man.  God causes a nation to rise or fall based on the views / actions of a people towards Him.  Curtis gave many specifics and he called Christians to repent….

UN Communication Czar Hides from Questions on Censorship Partnership With Google – The New American

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications Melissa Fleming refused to answer questions from The New American magazine’s Alex Newman about the UN partnership with Google. The alliance, which Fleming boasted about at the World Economic Forum, aims to silence voices online that contradict the UN’s narrative on issues such as climate change. Ironically, Newman asked her a question right after she finished a panel discussion on the importance of “journalism.”