Taylor Swift’s Dangerous Descent into Witchcraft Sorcery & Casting Spells – Doreen Virtue and Pastor Joe Schimmel

Taylor Swift seemed like a sweet professing Christian pop country singer. So what happened to her? During her Eras tour as you’ll see in this video, Taylor is clearly dancing witches’ coven ceremonies during her Willow song, and she is posting about witchcraft, sorcery and casting spells. A witch school even welcomed Taylor into their tribe. Tragically though – even if Taylor genuinely doesn’t believe she’s a witch – she is glorifying witchcraft and is influencing audience members toward witchcraft.

Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast Romans 12:1-2 and Q&A

This post contains an excerpt and the full video from which it derives. It covers some widely misunderstood scriptures regarding ‘calling’ by God and much more that is relevant to the Christian life. Pastor Hines opened with the intention of discussing Romans 12:1-2, but via questions from listeners was led into explaining the phrase ‘God desires all to be saved….’ He explained two passages related to that from 1 Timothy 2 and 2 Peter 3. [Highlight points follow excerpt.]