The Gospel – Pastor Voddie Baucham

This post contains a 4-minute sermon excerpt of Pastor Voddie Baucham explaining the gospel. I wanted to post it because he actually explains the necessity of the virgin birth, something that I have rarely heard from the pulpit. A very brief post follows the video, it fills in many gaps that Pastor Baucham’s excerpt did not cover. He did start explaining the gospel from the Garden, the fall… but the post says many things about God’s plan of redemption, culminating in the gospel. Together, they provide a very good biblical explanation of God’s plan of redemption.

What is the Keswick movement, and is it biblical? – Got Questions Ministries

This post is explains some errors of Keswick theology by comparing it with scripture. An excerpt: After salvation one must have another encounter with the Spirit; otherwise, he or she will not progress into holiness or the “deeper” things of God. This second encounter with the Spirit, in Keswick terminology, is called “entire sanctification,” “the second blessing,” or “the second touch.” This emphasis on a second, post-salvation experience corresponds with the Pentecostal idea of the “baptism” of the Spirit. Some Keswick teachers would even say that sinless perfection is possible after one receives the “second blessing.”

Joyce Meyer; Joel Osteen and other false word-of-faith teachers critiqued

This post contains a video by John Henry that critiques false prosperity and word-of-faith teachers: Joel Osteen; Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Victoria Osteen, Robert Morris, Joseph Prince. They are all shown to say the same things that Osteen speaks. In the middle of the video, a Ted Talk on Law of Attraction is given. Thereafter, Osteen’s words are compared and shown to be 99% Law of Attraction (secular philosophy), with 1% scripture. John MacArthur and Justin Peters clarify and contrast the false teachings with scripture. MacArthur closes by specifying how these heretics are stumbling blocks in the church

Grace Alone & Predestination – Pastor Patrick Hines

This post contains a 50-minute sermon by Pastor Patrick Hines that focuses on God’s grace in salvation and unconditional election. The chief texts he used were Ephesians 1:36 and Romans 4:14-16. In the course of his sermon, he brought numerous additional texts into play, also a few quotations: one from the work of J Gresham Machen; one from the Westminster Confession of Faith; one from Luther’s works. He clearly identified all the blessings that are found ‘in Christ.’ There are links to other very brief articles to explain: ‘second blessing,’ ‘hidden in Christ,’ and ‘foreknowledge.’ It is an extremely educational sermon for those who have been Christians for a while. Sermon HIGHLIGHTS follow the MP4 sermon which had to be divided to be uploaded

Isaiah 40:31 Waiting upon the Lord

This post contains Bible commentary on Isaiah 40:31, about waiting on the Lord. The comments are from Barnes’ Notes on the Bible; but there is a link to commentaries on the verse at Bible Hub, for those who would like to read other commentators. The concept of ‘waiting’ on God is found often in scripture and something that we all need to understand and seek God’s help in doing.

Martin Luther & Faith Alone / Imagine Believing We Don’t Need a Savior – Pastor Hines Podcast

This post contains a 10-minute podcast by Pastor Patrick Hines on the ‘righteousness of God.’ He frames it in terms of Martin Luther’s experience before he discovered this righteousness that God; how he discovered this righteousness; how it impacted him. In the middle of the podcast is a 3+ minute example of the typical thoughts a woman had on her way home from shopping; the example typifies human sinfulness and helplessness to enter into heaven without the imputation of Christ, our Savior’s righteousness to us and our trusting in that instead of anything we might do

What is the purpose of the Mosaic Law? |

This post contains a 2 minute 35 second video that provides an overview of the law and the gospel. Every Christian needs to have a working understanding of the relationship between the law and the gospel, Pastor Nelson touches on that in the video. Additionally, the adherents of every religion in the world believe they can do something to earn favor, to please God. It seems that many Christians also believe that. The video also touches on this fatal error that undoubtedly ruins the souls of many.

The Perversion of Love – John MacArthur

In this post, Pastor John MacArthur uses Ephesians 5:1-7 to explain God’s love and Satan’s counterfeit, perverted version of love that world-lings seek. In the process, the born-again Christian will likely get some clarity about what is pleasing to God and what types behavior, longings… are to be avoided.

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