This post contains an audio book reading of the first two of Satan’s “devices” and two of the four remedies for each device. There is also text from the Kindle version so you can follow along, as recommended on the intro portion of this video series (not included in this post). Included is a link to the entire series for interested readers.
Day: March 12, 2023
‘Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices’ by Thomas Brooks [Overview by Banner of Truth]
In the 3-minute video of this post, Warren Peel, of Banner of Truth Publishing, provides an overview of Thomas Brooks’ book, Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices. Since my next post will be on that book, I thought this video would more fully explain the subject matter of Brooks’ book.
The Price of Eliminating Consequences – Victor David Hanson, Epoch Times Commentary
Recently there were some remarkable online videos of a Portland, Oregon good Samaritan confronting shoplifters and forcing them to dump loads of their pilfered goods. More stunning, however, was the sheer outrage—of the thieves! They pouted. They screamed. They resisted. How dare anyone stop them from stealing anything they wished. The criminals entertained no fear of any consequences for walking out with bags of things that were not theirs. They had no care that mainstreaming their habits would undermine the entire fabric of society.