I recently led a group of about 100 citizens to tour Israel for nearly two weeks. Before returning to the United States, all participants had to indicate their vaccination status and take a COVID-19 test for reentry. Anxieties swept the group as Israeli testers swabbed them. Anyone testing positive would have to delay his or her return. That quarantine would entail spending thousands of dollars in finding scarce hotel accommodations, additional living expenses, and rebooked airline tickets—depending upon the length of the mandatory sequestration. Contrast the tens of thousands of foreign nationals now mustering to cross illegally into the United States again this summer. They follow the already 2 million who have entered the country unlawfully since Joe Biden became president. …Or do we scrutinize far more carefully U.S. citizens entering legally their own country than we do noncitizens crossing our borders unlawfully?
Month: June 2022
Mass Shooters’ Ties With National Bolshevism Should Be Investigated, Not Ignored: Trevor Loudon – Epoch Times
Nazism was always regarded as a left-wing phenomenon until the end of World War II, Loudon said. A lot of communists joined the Nazi Party and communism, and Nazism were considered two different elements of the left, he added. Stalin was the first one who called Nazis the right-wing, after he defeated Germany, “because then he could lay that label to conservatives and anti-communists,” Loudon said. One of the ideological leaders of national Bolshevism is Alexander Dugin, a Russian philosopher who was an adviser to Vladimir Putin for some time. National Bolsheviks look at Russia as the “savior” of the “white socialist world,” …Some mass shooters are portrayed by the many media as motivated by far-right ideology. “These guys are not American right-wingers. … they explicitly hate America, they want to see a worldwide socialist fascist system.”
Father Of Parkland Victim Encourages Gun Owners to Head to Their Local Range – Guns America Digest
There’s a growing chorus for strict gun control following the tragic murders in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, where deranged individuals took the lives of innocent Americans. Ryan Petty isn’t among them, though some might expect him to be. Petty’s 14-year-old daughter Alaina was murdered in the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy. Instead of blaming gun owners that follow the law, he’s inviting them and others with a call-to-action of his own: Go to the range, practice and show your support for the Second Amendment.
Soros Spent $40 Million to Elect 75 ‘Social Justice’ Prosecutors – American Faith
Sky-high campaign donations from liberal anti-police billionaire George Soros and his groups have helped to elect 75 “social justice” prosecutors in whose cities jailings have plummeted and crime has surged, according to a new report provided to Secrets. In a 17-page report compiled by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, a decade of spending has put Soros prosecutors in enough big cities that they represent 1 in 5 people, or about 72 million. [17-page pdf accompanies this post, it explains Soros strategies for electing progressive leftists in American communities.]
The Enemy Within By Kris Lundgaard – Book Sampling
This post contains an excerpt of chapter 1 of Kris Lundgaard’s book, The Enemy Within. He greatly simplified concepts on mortification of sin, such as found in the works of John Owen. There is also a book highlight from P&R Books. If you are struggling with sin, then you will likely gain much from this post and the book, which I highly recommend.
How Fake Is Twitter’s User Data? – Epoch Times
Over the last several weeks, the perception has grown that Elon Musk will not be the emancipator of Twitter, freeing it finally from its mysterious algorithms that throttle, block, and ban perfectly wonderful accounts solely based on the political vendetta of employees and management. It’s said that he has cold feet, as if Elon’s demand for better data is purely a cover for emotional doubt. That’s simply not true. What he has intuited—that Twitter underreports the sheer fake accounts and bot armies that use its platform—could in fact become another scandal for our age.
PM Says Giving Guns to NZ Businesses ‘Not the Answer,’ As Crimewave Grips the Country – Epoch Times
“A sense of lawlessness is now gripping all of New Zealand, and the soft on crime approach is not working,” he told News hub. “We are calling the prime minister to declare a crime emergency in New Zealand. It is that serious.” Kaushal said many small businesses were hiring their own security, with many going to him for advice on how to get a gun. “It’s become that serious because if the police and authorities are not able to save them, they have to save themselves,” he said…. Mitchell said the announcement had been “too little, too late” in addressing the “explosion” of youth crime in New Zealand.
“Until this Labour government cracks down on crime, youth offenders, gang members, and organised crime groups will continue to behave and act with impunity,” he said
Progressive Prosecutor Movement Goes on Trial in California Primary – Epoch Times
Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s chief prosecutor, faces a recall election in the primary. Polls suggest there’s a good chance he’ll lose…. In 2020, Salazar joined Boudin, Gascón, and Becton to form Prosecutors Alliance. The alliance follows the 21 principles for progressive prosecutors developed by Fair and Just Prosecution, Brennan Center for Justice, and Justice Collaborative, including ending cash bail, stopping prosecuting misdemeanors, holding police accountable, expunging criminal records, and ending the death penalty.
Helping Your Child Cope With Tragedy – Family Radio / Focus On The Family Counselor Jonnie DeBrito
The following mp4 recording by Family Radio’s, Community Bridge, is of an interview with Focus On The Family counselor, Joannie DeBrito. The purpose of the interview was to explore suggestions for parents whose children have experienced trauma, such as in a school shooting. The information applies to other traumas as well. Focus on the Family counseling phone number also provided
The Source Of Identity For LGBTQ+ And For Christians – Dr. Carl Trueman
The 4-minute excerpt in this post explains LGBTQ+ and Christian identity, from Carl Trueman’s book, The Rise and Triumph of The Modern Self. The following was excerpted from the book description: “Modern culture is obsessed with identity. Since the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision in 2015, sexual identity has dominated both public discourse and cultural trends—yet no historical phenomenon is its own cause. From Augustine to Marx, various views and perspectives have contributed to the modern understanding of the self. In this timely book, Carl Trueman analyzes the development of the sexual revolution as a symptom—rather than the cause—of the human search for identity.” [This post contains a link to chapter 1 for those who wish to explore the book.]