The Achilles’ Heel in Critical Theory: Pastor Matthew Everhard

Pastor Matthew Everhard explained CRT, afterwards explaining its Achilles Heel. The following are a few points from his video: 5 presuppositions of CRT: 1. Oppressive hierarchies, 2. Ubiquitous racism, 3. Queer morality, 4. Anti-capitalism, and 5. Social revolution. Intersectionality: The obvious achilles heel comes in here, intersectionality is the tool by which CRT is applied.  You need to be labeled and placed in your proper category; you cannot just be you. You need to get into your appropriate line. How is that determined? Subjects are categorized according to their race, sexuality, gender, class, income bracket, ability and religion

Faith that Endures Mockery: Pastor Matthew Everhard

The following 18 minute video is about how the social justice movement is opposing Christian speech presently. We all see that it is changing rapidly; pastor Everhard offers an analysis of what is going on with speech limitations and direction regarding preparation and taking a stand for your faith. His video is 18 minutes long; bulleted sermon highlights are provided