Satanism, child sacrifice, pedophilia, child sex trafficking, Crowley, Kinsey, Hefner, Leary, Hay…modern culture: this post links them for you that you might better understand antiChristian forces around you.

False Christian teachings, trends….
Satanism, child sacrifice, pedophilia, child sex trafficking, Crowley, Kinsey, Hefner, Leary, Hay…modern culture: this post links them for you that you might better understand antiChristian forces around you.
This post shows that Fox News is no longer trustworthy; and that powerful leftist organizers in our govt. are aligned with the leftist street mobs and more.
This post provides the basics about taking every thought captive; renewing the mind and witnessing / evangelizing.
There are many Americans who agree with the sentiments expressed by the following Australian News Anchor. It seems that certain politicians are taking advantage of
Netflix follows Cuties with another very important instructional movie. Please do not try this at home [SATIRE].
Professor Victor Davis Hanson speaks about foundational aspects of the social unrest in America today; video is from his recent speaking engagement at Hillsdale College.
In this post Glenn Beck uses current arrest reports to show that CA and Oregon fires are being set by BLM affiliated criminals.
Herein, Pastor Ray Stedman preached on Romans 7, about the war against sin that the born again believer will experience
Herein, Christ’s death is explained in terms of how it enables our salvation and benefits us now and at the time we die.
This post uses a short video about the great tribulation via a post on to stir up interest in Christians to focus on Christ and not this world.