Dr. Mayfield explains a Jonathan Edwards sermon on Matthew 16:17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not

False Christian teachings, trends….
Dr. Mayfield explains a Jonathan Edwards sermon on Matthew 16:17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not
Do you struggle with ungodly thinking that moves your towards temptations like gossip, materialism, pornography? Do you want to hear some godly instruction that will
I’ve been wanting to do a post on Proverbs 6: 16 -19 on the 7 things God hates, but as I began considering that text,
In the following videos, you will see that communist sympathizers in our government have been telling two different stories about important issues: under oath, their
The following video highlights the ministry of Dr. MacArthur, whom vlogger, Polite Leader, chose as his favorite pastor. I posted his #2 pick last week,
Dr. Mayfield explains how it is that the Lord Jesus Christ and His Spirit must enable us to mortify our sin; as he explains chapter
How is the CCP infiltrating America? Who is benefitting, while our nation is being compromised geopolitically, economically, and militarily? Laura Ingraham, of Fox News, provided
This past Christmas, I received a card that said, “Just Believe.” The card was from an unbeliever whose spiritual welfare I care about; and because
A questioner asked pastor John Piper that on his podcast. I wanted to post his answer because I have posted so frequently on prosperity preachers
Does Jeremiah 17:9 apply to the born-again believer’s heart? Dr. John Piper, on his podcast, Ask Pastor John, provided a great answer to a man