We Will Not Bow, Dr. John MacArthur

This sermon is from July 2015, after the Supreme Court voted in favor of gay marriage.

Amid the current widespread fraud; government officials lying, partaking in corruption, neglecting to fulfill their roles as leaders and protectors of the people; while they pretend to be righteous, denying any wrongdoing…I was reminded of this sermon.

It is very applicable to this current situation and actually makes it more understandable; as fruit, or consequences of the direction this nation is going.

Dr. MacArthur’s emphasis is on the impact that our leaders are having on this nation and its people.

The following points are sermon highlights; square brackets, emboldening, and underscoring are mine:

  • The greatest acts of terrorism were perpetrated on this country by the supreme court: abortion legislation; and gay marriage
  • The blood of millions of slaughtered babies are crying to God from the ground
  • Legislation of same sex marriage; and the destruction of life in the womb / motherhood are destroying the family
  • No human court has the authority to redefine morality: but this supreme court indicated that murder is not murder; marriage is not marriage; family is not family
  • They have usurped authority that belongs only to God = rebellion; blasphemy against God and His holy nature, law and people
  • This nation, at its highest level, has taken a stand against God
  • Behind that stand is Satan and his demons; he rules the world and is opposed to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the church, and truth
  • He seeks to destroy all that is good
  • The seeming reprieve that the US experienced for so long because it was under the canopy of Christian grace; that has evaporated and we are now experiencing the kinds of evil that are typical in other parts of the world
  • Homosexuality, homosexual marriage, gender transition…are not the real battle ground, however
  • The real battle is against God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the church and the gospel
  • Attacks against God are fueled by God’s arch enemy, Satan; people who emulate him are also haters of God
  • Marriage is vital to God’s design, order; to civilization, for common grace
  • Via marriage, God designed that order, peace, temporal blessing, righteousness… would be passed on from parents to children:[ e.g. Deuteronomy 6:2 that you may fear the LORD your God, you and your son and your son’s son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you,]
  • He made them male and female (nothing in between) that their union might produce children and perpetuate the race and righteousness
  • But early in Genesis we see polygamy, incest, prostitution, homosexuality (Gen. 19), these perversions derived from the fall
  • The current object is not to redefine gender and marriage, but to destroy what God designed
  • Families are a small sovereign unit that acts as a small barrier against corruption; destroy family and that barrier is destroyed
  • The goal of all of this is the total elimination of marriage
  • Without the family unit, the state, the education system; the “village” will own children, not parents
  • Therefore, it is possible for a 15 year old to have a state funded sex change operation without parents knowledge
  • This movement started with contraception – sex without children; then to abortion, to eliminate mistakes…
  • Satan’s intention is to obliterate marriage
  • Genesis 19 explained; Deuteronomy 22:5 explained and connected; Deut. 23:1 related; 1 Corinthians 6 read and related
  • Explanation of homosexual roles and androgyny
  • Secular writings of Philo related
  • Isaiah 56:1 and 1 Cor. 6:9= God forgives these sins
  • Presently, the president, the Supreme Court and government leaders talk about homosexuality and gay marriage as though it is noble, honorable
  • How does a nation know when the wrath of God is unleashed upon them?
  • First – sexual revolution; then homosexual revolution; then the reprobate mind, as the apostle Paul stated in Romans 1
  • The reprobate mind is unable to reason; it’s thinking processes are corrupted, by God, as a consequence of these sins
  • These leaders in our nation are supposed to (per God, in Romans 13, for example) be clear-minded, gifted to lead, such that the responsibilities God has given them might be fulfilled — responsibilities that include protecting the people; punishing criminals…
  • In the US, however, the reprobate mind has ascended to the highest levels of government; NOW, justice and righteousness have been perverted and the citizenry are being pressured to be reprobate; righteousness is called evil and evil is called righteous as in Isaiah 5
  • The judges on the Supreme Court all know that the Bible states that homosexuality is an abomination, they affirm it anyway
  • Scripture (Bible believers) and the laws of the USA presently collide head on
  • Insurance agencies do not want to cover colleges or churches that stand for the Bible; as these are experiencing much opposition from civil courts
  • The church has become a target; some lawmakers want to remove tax exemption
  • Religious liberty and freedom are not promised to Christians; persecution is
  • We do not bow to Caesar; we bow to our King
  • Boston Missionary Training School bowed, and began supporting the gay agenda that they might keep their funding
  • In the Bible, the unfaithful have bowed down to idols, monarchs, godless kings…
  • The faithful did not: Daniel and his three friends; Paul and the apostles, Jesus…
  • So, what do we do?
  • God pronounces judgment on all that blaspheme Him; pervert His law: Romans 1 speaks of temporal judgment; Isaiah 5, of eternal – those who call evil good and good evil experience damnation and curses
  • Some evangelicals think that the church should have compassion on those experiencing gender confusion; therefore, they do not confront it
  • True Christians do love these individuals, they love them by explaining that their behavior is violating God’s law and they witness the gospel – see 1 Cor. 6:9ff
  • 2 Thessalonians 1 cited and discussed verses 5-10: what Christ will do when He returns, to the godly and the godless
  • Scriptures on judgment discussed: John 5; 1 Cor. 16:22; Matthew 23: Christ preached judgment, thereby loving those He warned
  • Those Christians who have been afflicted by a God-hating world will be relieved upon Christ’s return
  • If you have boys, make sure they become men; girls, women

I was unable to upload Dr. MacArthur’s sermon, please click the link if you desire to hear it:


For similar sermons in this blog, see Categories: Paganism / Neo Paganism; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics.